Orchestration Validations and Minimum Requirements

When you test or activate an orchestration, the application verifies that you met these minimum requirements before you can proceed:

  • You must enter selection criteria for the records the orchestration will run on.

    You can use the same criteria for both the orchestration definition and for testing, or you can add additional criteria to specify the records you want to use for testing. You can test only on 3 records at a time. And you must use different records each time you test because the orchestration updates the record as it runs. If the combined selection criteria return more than 3 records for testing, the application uses the first 3.

  • You must add at least one objective to each orchestration stage with manual steps and you must map each objective to one or more steps.
  • Each orchestration stage must have at least one step. This can be any step, including Stop.
  • Orchestration stages that include only automated steps don't require any objectives at all.
  • Each orchestration stage, except the last stage, must have at least one Next Stage step to move the process to a different orchestration stage. The orchestration doesn't move to another stage by itself and you can't link individual steps between the stages.
  • Each step, except the Stop step, must have a next success step.
  • End the last stage in the orchestration with a Stop step.
  • End each branch of the orchestration with a Stop step or a Next Stage step.
  • You must enter success criteria for orchestration steps that require them. You may want to deem an appointment to be a success when the salesperson selects a Positive Outcome as the status in their call wrap up, for example. You may decide that an email automation step is complete only when the contact responds rather than when the email is sent out.
This screenshot shows the diagram view of steps for the Unqualified lead stage. In this example, there are just two steps: a Show Contacts step which displays the lead contacts and the Next Stage step that moves the orchestration to a different stage. The Next Stage step is required in all orchestration stages except the last one. For testing purposes, you can skip orchestration stages by entering a Next Stage step by itself, but doing so makes no sense in production.
Sample diagram of orchestration steps for a lead status