Step That Creates a Manual Task for Others

Here's how to create a step that creates a task that tells a salesperson to create a task for others in the organization to complete.


  • Entries in initial step creation:
    Field Value
    Step Name

    Enter the heading for the action that you want salespeople to take. For example: Create Task for Sales Consulting.

    The step name appears in the orchestration setup UI and is automatically copied over as the subject of the task in the properties page.
    Suggestion Text Add details of the action. For example: Create a task to prepare the demo hardware. The text become the default description in the properties page.
    Type Task
    Action Create Task
  • Entries when you click Edit Properties:

    In the Task Properties, you enter information that automatically creates a task that appears in the Pending section in the Activities page.

    Field Value
    Subject Enter the subject of the task that gets created automatically. The subject also appears as the title of the step on the Guidance panel.
    Type The task type doesn't matter, so select Demo, for example. This entry appears only in the task itself.
    Due in Days The due date for the task in days since last step in the orchestration completed. If the step isn't marked as complete by the deadline you set, then the orchestration moves to the step you enter in Next Step on Failure.
    Description Description that appears in the task and on the Guidance panel.
    Attachment fields Attachments to the task. Salespeople see links to the attachments in the Guidance panel on the record overview page. Clicking the link opens the task in the list of activities where you can download the attachments.
    Grace Period to Complete Enter the number of hours the application will wait past the due date before the step goes to the Next Step on Failure.
    Success Criteria You can enter success criteria if you added a next step on failure.
    Complete Objectives Enter any objectives this step completes.
  • Enter the next steps on success and failure. You can enter success criteria if you added a next step on failure

    • If you're creating the step as part of the diagram, then add a Logic node.
    • If you're creating the step in the Steps tab, then you enter the information on the same page.
  • You can prevent salespeople from skipping a step by turning off Allow skipping this step option. Turning off this option removes the Skip button from the UI for the step.
  • You can have the application evaluate the success criteria you entered even when salespeople click the Completed button, by turning on the Evaluate success criteria when marked as completed option. If the criteria aren't met, then the orchestration goes to the next step on failure.

How Salespeople Interact with the Step

  1. On the Guidance panel, salespeople see the text in the Subject field as the title along with the description text and a Create Task button.
  2. The Pending section in Activities, displays the corresponding task with the information and due date you entered.
  3. Clicking Create Task opens the task creation page.
  4. The salesperson enter the task information and saves, the task to create the task is marked as completed.
  5. The orchestration displays the next success step.
  6. If the salesperson doesn't take action by the due date in the task plus the grace period and doesn't postpone the due date, the orchestration moves to the next step on failure.