Create Custom Match Rules

You can use the custom match rule and scoring functionality to create your own match rules and scores based on your business requirements.

Use the following procedure to create custom match rules.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Management

    • Functional Area: Data Quality Foundation

    • Task: Manage Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configurations

  2. On the Manage Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configurations page, drill down on the predefined or the user-defined matching configuration for which you want to create or update predefined rules.

  3. Click Manage Match Rules on the Edit Match configuration page.

  4. On the Manage Match Rules page click New. Alternatively, you can click Duplicate to create a new rule based on an existing predefined or user-defined match rule.

  5. Enter the following values for the newly created or copied match rule:

    • Rule Name: The name of the new rule. There is no restriction for the rule name.

    • Match Rule Score: The score that you assign to the rule. The value must be between 1 and 100.

    • Rule Attribute: The standard or predefined attributes that must be used in the custom match rules. Specify an attribute name followed by either Exact or Fuzzy to find exact matches or closer to the attribute value matches. You can specify any number of rules separated by commas but you must ensure that the rule is logical. Ensure that the syntax and spelling are exact. The following are examples:
      • name:Exact,address:Exact,taxnumber:Exact
      • name:Exact,address:Fuzzy,taxnumber:Exact
  6. Click Save or Save and Close.