Customer Data Management Integration Approaches

You can integrate the Customer Data Management functionality of Oracle CX Sales and Fusion Service with other cloud services using REST APIs and SOAP APIs to provide address cleansing, duplicate identification, and duplicate resolution capabilities.

Alternatively you can use the Integration Cloud Service to develop work flows to integrate Customer Data Management with other cloud based or on-premise applications.

Customer Data Management Integration Using REST APIs

The Oracle Customer Data Management functionality of Oracle CX Sales and Fusion Service provides multiple public REST APIs that can be used to access data stored in the Customer Data Management database and construct integrations to other systems. The APIs include resources to Get, Post (create), Patch (update), and Delete organizations (accounts) and persons (contacts). Also there are resources to identify and create resolution request for duplicate parties.

For more information on public REST APIs, see REST API for CX Sales and Fusion Service.

Customer Data Management Integration Using SOAP APIs

The Customer Data Management functionality of Oracle CX Sales and Fusion Service provides SOAP services to create and update organizations (accounts) and persons (contacts). You can also use these services to identify and resolve duplicate parties.

For more information on SOAP APIs, see Oracle CX SOAP Web Services for CX Sales and Fusion Service.

Customer Data Management Integration with Import and Export

You can use Import and Export Management, and Data Import to import and export application data using text or XML files into and out of the Customer Data Management registry.

You can also import attachments using Import and Export Management. Note that the imported attachments aren't visible in Customer Data Management if you used the Account or the Contact import objects but can be viewed in Customer Center. To import attachments in Customer Data Management, using Import and Export Management you must use the Organization and Person import objects. For more information about importing attachments, see the Related Topics section.

You can also use import to create or update records in the Customer Data Management registry.

Customer Data Management Integration Using the Integration Cloud Service

You can use the Integration Cloud Service to leverage predefined integrations between Customer Data Management, other cloud services, and on premise applications. For example, you can integrate Oracle Service Cloud with Customer Data Management to provide the duplicate resolution capability. Using this capability, you can merge an Oracle Sales and Fusion Service account (organization) or contact (person) with an Oracle B2C Service account (organization) or contact (person).

For more information on the Integration Cloud Service, see Oracle Integration Cloud Service in the Related Topics section.

Customer Data Management Integrations for Accounts (Organization) and Contacts (Persons)

The following table shows the possible integrations options for Oracle Customer Data Management. The table also lists the available REST and SOAP web services that you can use to perform the different Customer Data Management processes.

Customer Data Management Process (Batch Job)

REST Service

Data Import (for account Receivables only)

Data Import

Data Export

ICS Events


Address Cleansing

Address Cleansing is available by the REST service from Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification only.



Yes (Batch Summary only). Doesn't include child object such as duplicate address and relationships.



Duplicate Identification

Yes. The 'accounts', 'contacts', 'hubOrganizations', and 'hubPersons' REST resources all support the findDuplicates action for API-based real-time duplicate identification.



Yes (Batch Summary only). Doesn't include child object such as duplicate address and relationships.



Duplicate Resolution and Merging

Yes. The crmRestApi/resources/latest/resolutionRequests REST service can create new resolution request and query existing resolution requests but can't update the existing requests.



Yes. The Resolution Details object which is a child of the resolution request header export object. The resolution details object provides the full details for child objects in the merge scope.

Yes. Public Resolution Request Updated.


Data Enrichment

Data enrichment is available by REST service from Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) only.













Resolution Link





