Customer Hub Profile Options

Customer Hub profile options configure data access and processing for data governance, duplicate identification processes, data cleansing processes, and duplicate resolution requests.

You can set the Hub profile option values only at the site level using the predefined profile option definitions. The following table lists the Customer Hub profile options that you can configure in the Setup and Maintenance work area using the following:

  • Offering: Customer Data Management

  • Functional Area: Customer Hub

  • Task: Manage Customer Hub Profile Options

Profile Option Code

Profile Option Name


Default Value


Data Cleansing Process Batch Size

The transaction batch size for the data cleansing process. Set this value based on available system resources.



Resolution Request Type Default

The default request type for the duplicate resolution requests.



Duplicate Identification Process Batch Size

The transaction batch size for the duplicate identification process. It's used to group records in the batch and process each group in a loop as a separate transaction.



User Merge Requests

The processing options for merge requests.

Unspecified (NULL)


Survivorship Enabled

The option to enable survivorship rules for duplicate resolution.



Auto Link Threshold

The threshold for auto link. Data stewards review link requests with lower scores.



Auto Merge Threshold

The threshold for auto merge. Data stewards review merge requests with lower scores.



Duplicate Set Record Number

The maximum number of records in a duplicate set that can be automatically converted to duplicate resolution requests.


You can set the following values for the User Merge Requests profile option

  • Allow Processing Without Approval: Merge requests are processed immediately without approval by data steward.

  • Process Subject to Approval: Merge requests are reviewed by data steward, who can decide to approve or not.

  • Unspecified (NULL): Merge requests are processed immediately without data steward approval. This indicates that the Customer Hub isn't configured. The option is enabled only if the user has the Submit Trading Community Merge Request and Enter Trading Community Merge Request privileges.

Note: Data stewards must review merges initiated from the Accounts and Contacts UI pages, Automerge web service, or the Duplicate Resolution Request service. Data stewards can review merge requests only if the User Merge Requests profile option is set to Process Subject to Approval, else the merge requests will error.

Additional Profile Options

The following table lists customer hub profile options that require careful consideration before their profile values are changed.

To view the details of these profile options:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance

  2. Click the Tasks menu and click Search. Search for Manage Profile Options task and open it.

  3. Search using the profile option code.

To change the default values of these profile options:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area

  2. Click the Tasks and click Search. Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values task and open it.

  3. Search using the profile option code.

  4. Change the profile value.

Profile Option Code

Profile Option Definition

Default Value



Evaluate Agreement Rules

No default value provided

This profile option controls whether agreement rules are honored during merge processing. Setting this option to N disables agreement rule checking. We recommend that you don't disable agreement rules. Disabling agreement rules can lead to orphan data and may cause issues for different application flows.

You can add a new profile value row and specify Y or N.


Customer Hub Debug Mode

No default value provided

This profile option enables detailed internal logging of the duplicate resolution processes. We recommend that you don't enable this option unless specifically requested to do so by the Oracle support team.

You can add a new profile value row and specify Y or N.


Calculate Default Source System for Survivorship Rules

No default value provided

This profile option enables the calculation of default attribute source systems based on the earliest source system reference assignment for records that were created before attribute source history tracking was enabled.

You can add a new profile value row and specify Y to enable this feature.


Attribute Survivorship Null Value Options


This profile option controls whether a selected attribute survivorship rule can update the master record with a null value. For example, a record within a merge set has the highest source confidence level for a given field and also has a null value in that field, you can decide if a non-null value on the master record be replaced by the null value from the highest confidence source record. By default, survivorship processes don't replace a non-null with a null even if the source of the null has the highest source confidence. If you would like a null value to propagate to the master record in this scenario, you should set this profile option to RETURN_NULL_VALUE.


Remove Records From Merge Processing


This profile option is used to enable the Remove button in the duplicate resolution override flow. The Remove button lets you remove specific records from being handled by the merge process. We recommend that you don't change this profile option because using the Remove capability can lead to orphan records which may have adverse affects on other business processes.


Account Enrichment Map

Automatic Mapping

This profile option is used to select the import mapping for the Account object during data enrichment. You can create the import mapping using Import Management. Note that the list of profile values includes the Automatic Mapping and one or more import mappings that are already created.


Additional Name Enrichment Map

Automatic Mapping

This profile option is used to select the import mapping for the Additional Name object during data enrichment. You can create the import mapping using Import Management. Note that the list of profile values includes the Automatic Mapping and one or more import mappings that are already created.


Additional Identifier Enrichment Map

Automatic Mapping

This profile option is used to select the import mapping for the Additional Identifier object during data enrichment. You can create the import mapping using Import Management. Note that the list of profile values includes the Automatic Mapping and one or more import mappings that are already created.


Classification Enrichment Map

Automatic Mapping

This profile option is used to select the import mapping for the Classification object during data enrichment. You can create the import mapping using Import Management. Note that the list of profile values includes the Automatic Mapping and one or more import mappings that are already created.


Address Enrichment Map

Automatic Mapping

This profile option is used to select the import mapping for the Address object during data enrichment. You can create the import mapping using Import Management. Note that the list of profile values includes the Automatic Mapping and one or more import mappings that are already created.


Contact Enrichment Map

Automatic Mapping

This profile option is used to select the import mapping for the Contact object during data enrichment. You can create the import mapping using Import Management. Note that the list of profile values includes the Automatic Mapping and one or more import mappings that are already created.


ContactPoint Enrichment Map

Automatic Mapping

This profile option is used to select the import mapping for the ContactPoint object during data enrichment. You can create the import mapping using Import Management. Note that the list of profile values includes the Automatic Mapping and one or more import mappings that are already created.