Customer Profile Quality Score

Assign a Customer Profile Quality Score to account records to help resolve duplicates without merging them.

You can identify and use the highest scoring account record as the primary or default account record.

You can use this method for resolving duplicates when records can’t be deleted due to legal or other constraints. This method helps in identifying a potential record which can be used as the single account record instead of multiple duplicate records. All the child records for remaining duplicate records are mapped to the account record with the highest score.

This helps you to:
  • Review, sort, and filter account records based on the completeness and quality of their profile records.
  • Identify data quality issues and to rationalize data stewardship processes and resources.
  • Prioritize and stage sales activities based on the confidence and quality of the customer profile data.
The score is a number between 1 and 100. It’s calculated by selecting attributes and assigning them weights. These weights increase or decrease the effect of the attribute on the score. For example, a validated address is of better quality than a non-validated address. An address with validate = yes should improve the score rather than address with validate = no. If the attributes are populated with a value, you can specify the value. Similarly, the child attributes, their weights, and if required, their values must be specified. The final score is calculated as the ratio of the record's conferred score to the total possible score. In other words, the sum of satisfied parameters is divided by the sum of all parameters multiplied by 100.We recommend that you create a work sheet containing the attributes and their weights to test how they impact the score before they configure the scores in the application. Here’s a sample work sheet:

Sample Worksheet

Parameter Entity Scoring Weight Parameter is Satisfied? Conferred Score
Address Exists Address 10 1 10
Address is Validated Address 20 0 0
Account has a phone number Contact Point 10 1 10
Account has a name Profile 10 1 10
Total Possible Score = 50 Total Conferred Score =30

The score of the record is 20. This sheet will help you assign weights and test the scores of the records in the application.