How You Enable Groovy Script-based Survivorship and Agreement Rules

Before you can start using groovy scripts to configure survivorship and agreement rules, you must enable groovy scripting in Setup and Maintenance.

Follow these steps to enable Groovy Script-based survivorship and agreement rules:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Management

    • Functional Area: Customer Hub

    • Task: Manage Customer Data Management Options

  2. In the Merge Behavior section under the Duplicate Resolution Options tab, select the groovy script options as the value for one or more of the following fields as required:

    • Master Record Selection: Select the Select master record using groovy scripts option to define the rules for selecting master records using Groovy Scripts.

    • Attribute Selection Type: To define attribute selection rules using Groovy Scripts, select the following options:

      • Select either Use source confidence with newest record as the tie breaker or Use source confidence with oldest record as the tiebreaker.

      • Select Yes for the Add Groovy to Attribute Selection field.

    • Agreement Rules Type: Select the Default agreement rules with groovy scripts option to define agreement rules using Groovy Scripts.