How You Enable Search Mode for Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification

Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification comes with two processing modes for address verification, Verify and Search. You can use this functionality to verify an address in real-time while entering information on the create or edit pages of Accounts or Contacts.

Out of the box, the Verify mode is enabled. When the Verify mode is enabled and you verify addresses in real-time on the create or edit pages of Accounts or Contacts, the service returns a single verified address that matches the address information you entered on the page.

The search mode is available in address cleansing configuration as a processing mode. When the Search mode is enabled and you do real-time address verification on the Create or Edit Accounts or Contacts page, the service returns a list of the suggested verified addresses that match the address information you entered. You can then select the appropriate address from the list.

Configure Address Verification Processing Mode

You can configure the address verification process mode by performing the following tasks:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Management

    • Functional Area: Data Quality Foundation

    • Task: Manage Address Cleansing Configurations

  2. On the Manage Address Cleansing Configurations page, click Address Cleansing.

    The Edit Address Cleansing Configuration: Address Cleansing page appears.

  3. Select Search from the Processing Mode list in the Cleansing Configuration Parameters section.

    Note: You can select either Verify or Search mode form the Processing Mode list according to your requirements. Select Verify mode if you want only one verified address to be returned while verifying an address on the Create Accounts or Create Contacts page. Select Search mode to get a list of the suggested verified addresses that match the address you entered so that you can select the appropriate address from the list.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Verify Search Mode on Account or Contact Creation Page

You can verify the functionality of the Search mode while creating a new account or contact. Perform the following steps to verify an address in the search mode while creating a new account:

  1. Navigate to Accounts work area.

  2. Click Create Account.

  3. Enter Address Line 1, City, and State of the account that you want to create on the Create Accounts page.

  4. Click Verify Address.

    Note: If you click Verify Address after populating all the fields in the Address section of the Create Address page, you will get only one verified address with the complete match.
  5. Select the correct address by clicking Select for the appropriate address from the list of suggested verified addresses.

  6. Click OK.

    When you click OK the selected address gets populated in the Address section of the Create Account page.

  7. Enter account details on the Create Account page.

  8. Click Save and Close.