How you protect Personally Identifiable Information?

The data or information that's used to uniquely identify a contact, or locate a person is called personally identifiable information (PII). Examples are social security number, addresses, bank account numbers, phone numbers, and so on.

This information is considered confidential and sensitive, and must be protected to prevent unauthorized use of personal information for the purposes of legal regulation, financial liability, and personal reputation. For example, only authorized users must be allowed access to the social security numbers of people stored in a system.

In Oracle Applications Cloud, the PII data is secured and can be accessed only by the following job roles with the exception of mobile phone data:

  • Sales Administrator

  • Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM

  • Oracle Data Integrator Application Identity for CRM

  • Web Services Application Identity for CRM

Mobile phone data is accessible to all seeded job roles. However, if access to mobile phone data is needed for custom job roles, the IT Security Manager must assign the required PII data policies to the custom job role in the Security Console. The IT Security Manager can also add data policies for other PII data to seeded job roles.

The following table lists the PII attributes that are secured in Oracle Applications Cloud.

Note: You can search privileges in Security Console using the Privilege Titles listed in the following table.

PII Attribute

Table Name

Privilege Title

Taxpayer Identification Number (Social Security Number)


View Trading Community Person Social Security

Taxpayer Identification Number (Social Security Number)


Manage Trading Community Person Social Security

Citizenship Number


View Trading Community Person Citizenship Number

Citizenship Number


Manage Trading Community Person Citizenship Number

Home Address

HOME Address is identified by party site use defined in SITE_USE_TYPE field of the HZ_PARTY_SITE_USES table

View Trading Community Person Address

Home Address

HOME Address is identified by party site use defined in SITE_USE_TYPE field of the HZ_PARTY_SITE_USES table

Manage Trading Community Person Address

Home Phone

HZ_CONTACT_POINTS rows with contact_point_purpose value PERSONAL

View Trading Community Person Contact

Home Phone

HZ_CONTACT_POINTS rows with contact_point_purpose value PERSONAL

Manage Trading Community Person Contact

Mobile Phone

HZ_CONTACT_POINTS rows with phone_type or phone_line_type value MOBILE

View Trading Community Person Mobile Phone Number

Mobile Phone

HZ_CONTACT_POINTS rows with phone_type or phone_line_type value MOBILE

Manage Trading Community Person Mobile Phone Number

Home Email

HZ_CONTACT_POINTS rows with contact_point_purpose value PERSONAL

View Trading Community Person Contact

Home Email

HZ_CONTACT_POINTS rows with contact_point_purpose value PERSONAL

Manage Trading Community Person Contact

Additional Identifiers

All rows that belong to PERSON party in HZ_ADDTNL_PARTY_IDS

View Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Additional Identifiers

All rows that belong to PERSON party in HZ_ADDTNL_PARTY_IDS

Manage Trading Community Person Additional Identifier