How do I import data?

Use Import Management from the Tools work area, to import data from text files. This topic is your guide to importing data in sales, service, and incentive compensation.

You can create, update, or delete records through import.

The import options and other details differ by the type of data that you're importing. Before importing, understand how the data in your file maps to the attributes in Oracle Applications Cloud and what values are expected in the import file. The data records in the CSV source file may not be processed in the listed order. To learn how to monitor the status of your import, see the topic How You Monitor Your Import Activities in the Related Topics section.

Note: Don't submit duplicate import jobs for the same import object as they create duplicate object records.

To help you get started, you can use the example import object templates described in the related topics.

Import Data from a File

To import data:

  1. Click Tools > Import Management.

  2. On the Manage Imports page, click the Create Import Activity button.

  3. On the Enter Import Options page provide values for each field as shown in the following table:


    Description of the value


    Name of the import.


    Object that you're importing.

    If you can't find your object, then search for it by clicking the Search link. In the Search and Select dialog box, enter the object name in the Object text box and click the Search button. Select your object from the result list and click OK.

    You can also use the advanced search option by clicking the Advanced button. Here you can search based on various filter criteria such as object name, Attachment supported, creation date, and so on.

    If the object you're importing isn't listed then verify if you have the roles and privileges required to import the object. For information on the roles, see the topic Roles Required for Import and Export Management referenced in the Related Topics section.

    Attachment Object

    To import an attachment for an existing object record in the database select the Attachments object from the Object drop-down list. Next select the object from the Attachment Object drop-down list.

    For more details on importing attachments, review the topic Import Attachments.

    File Name

    Browse and select a text file in CSV format. The first row of the source file is treated as the header row. Provide a file name within 40 characters.

    Note: If your source file has more than 50,000 records, then you must manually split the file into several smaller files with less than 50,000 records each. The file import page only permits 50,000 records for each import job. Alternatively, you can use the External Cloud Data Loader Client, which can accept files with more than 50,000 records. See the My Oracle Support ( document External Data Loader Client (document ID 2325249.1) for more information about this tool.

    Import Object Hierarchy

    To import a hierarchy of objects, such as child and grandchild objects, click on the Import Object Hierarchy link after you upload the source file for the parent object. Next select the Enabled check box for the child object you want to import, and select the related source file.

  4. Optionally, to set additional import configurations, click the Advanced Options section. Here you can configure settings under Source File, Import Options, or Create Schedule sections.

    1. In the Source File and Import Options regions, some of the options in the following table might not be available depending on the object that you're importing:



      Import Mode

      You can specify whether you want to create and update records or update them only.

      • Update and create records - a new record is created if a matching record isn't found. This is the default option.

      • Create records - all the records in the file are new records which have to be created. If there are any existing matching records, then they're marked as errors.

      • Delete records - all the records in the file are deleted.

      Enable High-Volume Import

      The high-volume import mode is designed to import millions of records at once. This mode doesn't trigger any custom logic configured through the application composer. For a list of supported objects, see the topic Data Import Options.

      By default, this mode is enabled for the supported objects.
      Note: If ZCA_FILE_IMPORT_ENABLE_CUSTOM_BUSINESS_LOGIC is set to “Yes”, then you won’t be able to use High Volume import.

      Enable Survivorship

      Survivorship on update is available for Account, Organization, Contact, and Person. The check box is visible if the attribute survivorship is configured on the objects. You can use high-volume import mode, only when the survivorship configuration uses only Source Confidence. You can't use the high-volume import mode when Data Quality Rules are enabled.

      Notification email

      The email of the individual who receives import processing notifications. The user submitting the import receives an email notification automatically. To have more than one email recipient, separate the email addresses with a semicolon. If you don't want to receive the notification, then set the profile option ORA_ZCA_IMPEXP_ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFY to 'N' at user level.

      Enable Custom Business Logic

      If you select this check box, then any custom triggers and validations configured for the object are enabled. This may affect import performance, because of configurations. Hence, disable this option for better performance.

      To enable this check box by default, set the profile option ZCA_FILE_IMPORT_ENABLE_CUSTOM_BUSINESS_LOGIC to 'Yes' by navigating to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
      Note: If ZCA_FILE_IMPORT_ENABLE_CUSTOM_BUSINESS_LOGIC is set to “Yes”, then you won’t be able to use High Volume import.
      Note: This selection has no effect on events and object workflows, and is applicable only on triggers and validations.


      If your file doesn't use a comma to separate values, then select the correct delimiter in the Delimiter drop-down list. Possible values are:

      • Caret Symbol

      • Closing Curly Bracket

      • Closing Parenthesis

      • Closing Square Bracket

      • Colon

      • Comma

      • Exclamatory Mark

      • Minus

      • Opening Curly Bracket

      • Opening Parenthesis

      • Opening Square Bracket

      • Pipe Symbol

      • Plus

      • Question Mark

      • Semi-Colon

      • Star Symbol

      • Tilde Symbol

      Decimal Separator

      The decimal separator used in your import file.

      Date Format

      The format of the date fields in your file.

      Time Stamp Format

      The format of the time fields in your file.

      File Encoding

      The format in which your source file is encoded. The possible values are:
      • Chinese Simplified - GB, CP936
      • Chinese Traditional - CP950
      • Eastern European - Win, CP1250
      • Greek - MS Windows, CP932
      • Japanese - Shift- JIS, CP932
      • Unicode - UTF-16
      • Unicode- UTF-16BE, Mac, Unix
      • Unicode - UTF-16LE, MS Windows
      • Unicode - UTF-8
      • Western European - Win, CP1252
        Note: The above mentioned encoding formats are the only ones supported. Importing file with any other format, such as ANSI, will cause unexpected characters to be imported.
    2. In the Create Schedule region, schedule the import to run immediately or at a future date. If you select a future date, then provide the date and time to start the import.

    You can save the Advanced Options for subsequent reuse by clicking on the Save advance options link in the UI. The options will be retained till you click on the Reset link and reset the options to application defaults.

    Note: All fields except Import Mode, Enable Custom business Logic, Enable High-Volume Import, Enable Survivorship Logic, Schedule Mode, and Schedule Start Time will be saved.
  5. Click Next. The Map Fields page shows the first row of the data from your source file. By default, the application tries to automatically map each of the source file columns to the appropriate target object attribute. If some of the columns in your file couldn't be mapped, then drag the target attribute onto the Attribute Display Name column under the Source File region.

    The data in unmapped columns aren't imported.

    You can save your import map by clicking on Save As in the Create Import Activity page. You can use the saved map for future imports. You can view your saved maps by clicking on the Import Mapping drop down list in the Create Import Activity page.

    Also, you can select and then edit your saved maps for the specific objects in the Import Objects page.

  6. You select a predefined mapping from the list of available mappings under the Import Mapping drop-down list. If you're reusing an import mapping, then both the source and target columns are already populated.

    Leave the Attribute Display Name field blank for any column that you don't want to import.

    Click Validate Data to check the field mapping.

  7. In the case of hierarchical import, you can see the mapping information for child objects in the subsequent tabs. Note that data validation isn't done for these objects.

  8. Click Next. On the Review and Submit page, review the import activity configuration. If you had not run the prevalidation on the Map Fields page, then you get a notification message to run the validation process. You can view any unmapped columns of parent or child objects on this page.

  9. Click Validate Data to check the data in your source file. Validation errors, if any, are displayed on the Mapping Validation screen. If you get warnings about unmapped columns, then you can ignore these columns, and proceed to submit the import job. Validations are for informational purposes and applicable only for low-volume imports.

    Note: In import activity with single CSV hierarchical records, explicit validation from the mapping UI isn't supported. For example, while importing the sales territory object, if there are matching values for the attributes ParentUniqueTerritoryNumber and UniqueTerritoryNumber, then validation isn't supported.
    Note: During the import validation process on the Mapping page, the following custom triggers aren't supported:
    • Before InValidate
    • Before Remove
    • Before Insert in Database
    • Before Update in Database
    • Before Delete in Database
    • Before Rollback in Database
    • After Changes Posted to Database
  10. Click Submit to queue the import.

    Note that business events aren't fired when using Import Management.

Automating and Scheduling Import Jobs

You can automate import jobs using the import REST services. The import REST services let you manage import activities, manage activity maps, and export object metadata. You can use an external scheduler that uses these REST services to run recurring import jobs, create and run import activities, manage maps, and review object metadata.

You can use the Oracle WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility to manage the import files used by the scheduler. You can download the Oracle WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility by navigating to the My Oracle Support ( document Oracle WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility Readme (document ID 1624063.1). Once downloaded, you can run the tool by navigating to the ridc folder after extraction.

For detailed instructions on automating and scheduling file import using REST API, see Oracle CX Sales and Fusion Service: Automating and Scheduling File Import Activity Using REST API (Doc ID 2308691.1) article on My Oracle Support (

Set Up Event Notifications for Resources

In file-based data import, the SendCredentialsEmailFlag attribute allowed the import to specify the notification setting for each employee resource. You can do this in Import Management using the User Category option but this applies to all resources in a single import.

To set up notifications for all events:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Security Console on the home page.

  2. Click the User Categories tab.

  3. Click DEFAULT. Click the Notifications tab.

  4. Click the Edit button. If you want to turn on all notifications, then select the Enable Notifications check box under the Notification Preferences heading.

  5. Click the Save button.

  6. Click the Done button.

To set up notifications for a specific event:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Security Console on the home page.

  2. Click the User Categories tab.

  3. Click DEFAULT. Click the Notifications tab.

  4. Click the Edit button.

  5. If you want to turn on a specific event notifications, click the template for the desired event.

  6. On the Template Information page, select the Enabled check box and click Save and Close.

  7. Click the Save button.

  8. Click the Done button.

Import FCLs and DCLs

Setting FCL Field values

You must pass the lookup code in order to set the FCL field using import management.

Setting FCL and DCL Fields to Null

You must pass #NULL value for the FCL field in order to nullify a value for an FCL using Import Management.

Here is an example to nullify TargetGlobalPJDetailFlag1_c field:

