Manage Additional Name Types

Use this procedure to create and edit additional name types.

Create Additional Names

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Management

    • Functional Area: Trading Community Foundation

    • Task: Manage Additional Name Types

  2. Click Actions > Create.

  3. Specify or change the following fields:

    1. Select the Party Type, such as Person, which can have this additional name type.

    2. Type a short name for the additional name type, for example MAIDEN. This name type must be unique.

    3. Specify a descriptive name such as Maiden Name in the Additional Name field.

    4. (Optional) Specify a description for the additional name, for example, A Health Level Seven International name type for maiden name.

    5. Specify if this name is unique with the type. Define whether you can add multiple entries of the name type to a party. For example, select No to allow multiple nick names to be added to a person.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Edit Additional Names

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Management

    • Functional Area: Trading Community Foundation

    • Task: Manage Additional Name Types

  2. Search and select the additional name type that you want to edit. For example, you could try editing the MAIDEN additional name type that you created just now.

  3. Click Actions > Edit.

  4. Edit the following fields as required:

    • Additional Name

    • Description

  5. Click Save and Close.