Test the Survivorship and Agreement Rules Configuration

You can test your Groovy Script-based survivorship and agreement rules configuration while working inside of the sandbox by creating a Test Merge Request in the Duplicate Resolution work area.

A Test Merge Request invokes whatever survivorship and agreement rules have been configured inside the current sandbox. For more information about creating test merge requests, see Related Topics section.

After you have identified potential duplicates in your database through a duplicate identification batch, you can resolve these duplicate sets by creating and submitting a duplicate resolution request.

To create and submit a resolution request:

  1. Navigate to the Create Resolution Request UI page as follows: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Duplicate Resolution > Tasks

  2. Search for and multi-select the duplicate records using the shift key.

  3. Click Create Request.

  4. Click Test Merge and click OK.

    You can optionally select one of the records as master. Once the request is submitted, the application generates a Request ID, which you can use to track the status of the duplicate resolution process.

  5. You can tweak your survivorship and agreement rules configuration and retest your code using new test merge requests to ensure that the code is working as expected.

    Note: This process tests the merge request configuration without changing your application data.