About Sales Resources

Users who do day-to-day sales transactional activities like managing opportunities and leads are known as "sales resources". During implementation, you create sales resources and build your resource organization at the same time.

After implementation, you maintain sales resources, such as by modifying their organization assignments.

You can create users directly in the user interface or you can import them from a file.

For more information about creating and maintaining users (both setup users and resources), see the following guides:

  • Implementing Sales

  • Securing Sales and Service

Additional Options for Resource Setups

After you get your users established, you also have these options for setup:

Setup Option

Where To Find More Information

Proxy Users

Sales resources can designate another resource as a proxy to sign in to the applications and perform tasks on their behalf. This functionality is also called "impersonation".

Topics about proxy users and impersonation

Restricted Users

You may want some users to access information but not be able to modify it. In this case, create restricted sales resources.

Topics about sales restricted users

Records Transfer Between Users

If needed, you can move records, such as opportunities or leads, from one sales resource to another using the Mass Transfer feature.

Topics about transferring records between users