Amend Contact Without Versioning

You can enable your contract authors to edit contracts without versioning. To determine which contracts are eligible to avoid visioning, you can select the Allow amendment without versioning check box at a contract type level.

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Search and select the Manage Contract Types task.

  3. In the Contract Type Options section, click the Advanced Authoring Options tab.

  4. Select the Allow amendment without versioning check box.

    Note: If you amend a contract without versioning, you can't revert the contract amendment.
  5. Click Save and Close.

Once you enable this check box and navigate to the Edit Contract page for the selected type of contract, the application displays the Amend Contract window with these options:

  • Version the contract

  • Don't version the contract

Note: The Allow amendment without versioning check box is disabled when the class is Grant or when the line class is Service or Warranty.