Configure Scheduled Processes

Configure scheduled processes to change a set of records for a specific business need, or to get a printable output with information about certain records. These processes are predefined but not pre-configured.

This list identifies those scheduled processes that are critical for the smooth operation of your Contracts application:

  • Indexing schedules

  • Deliverables notifications scheduled processes:

    • Send Contract Terms Deliverable Due Date Notifications

    • Send Contract Terms Deliverable Escalation Notifications

    • Send Contract Terms Deliverable Overdue Notifications

  • Expiration notification scheduled process:

    • Send Contract Expiration Notifications

  • Fulfillment notification scheduled process:

    • Send Contract Fulfillment Notifications

  • Service Contract Billing scheduled process:

    • Send Service Contract Billing Information to Receivables

    • Import Auto-invoice

    • Fetch Service Contract Invoice Information from Receivables

  • Process Installed Base Updates

For more information, see the related topics.