Contract Terms Library Business Unit Setup

You can specify a wide variety of Contract Terms Library settings for customer or supplier contracts within each business unit by using the Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties or the Specify Supplier Contract Management Business Function Properties tasks.

These tasks are available in the Setup and Maintenance work area as part of the Enterprise Contracts offering in the Enterprise Contracts Base functional area.

For the Contract Terms Library in each business unit, you can:

  • Enable clause and template adoption.

  • Set the clause numbering method.

  • Set the clause numbering level for automatic clause numbering of contracts.

  • For a contract with no assigned ledger or legal entity, set the document sequence to Global or Business Unit level.

  • Enable the Contract Expert enabling feature.

  • Specify the layout for printed clauses and contract deviation reports.

Enable Clause Adoption

Do this to use clause adoption in your implementation:

  1. Specify a global business unit

    Designate one of the business units in your organization as the global business unit by selecting the Global Business Unit option. This makes it possible for the other local business units to adopt and use approved content from that global business unit. If the Global Business Unit option isn't available for the business unit you're setting up, it means you have already designated a business unit as global.

  2. Enable automatic adoption

    If you're implementing the adoption feature, you can have all the global clauses in the global business unit automatically approved and available for use in the local business by selecting the Autoadopt Global Clauses option. If you don't select this option, the employee designated as the Contract Terms Library Administrator has to approve all the global clauses, before they can be adopted and used in the local business unit. This option is available only for local business units.

  3. Specify the administrator who approves clauses available for adoption

    You must designate an employee as the Contract Terms Library administrator if you're using adoption. If you don't enable automatic adoption, then the administrator must adopt individual clauses or localize them for use in the local business unit. The administrator can also copy over any contract terms templates created in the global business unit. The clauses and contract terms templates available for adoption are listed in the administrator's Terms Library work area.

  4. Adopt global clauses for new business unit

    If you're creating a new local business unit and have to adopt existing global clauses, run the Adopt Global Clauses for a New Business Unit process. Refer to the Enterprise Scheduler processes topic for more information.

Set Up Clause Numbering Options

You can set up automatic clause numbering for the clauses in the business unit by selecting Automatic in the Clause Numbering field and setting the clause numbering level. Then select the appropriate clause sequence category for the specified numbering level. You must have previously set up document sequences for the document sequence categories of global, ledger, and business unit. If clause numbering is manual, contract terms library administrators must enter unique clause numbers each time they create a clause.

You can choose to display the clause number in front of the clause title in contracts by selecting the Display Clause Number in Clause Title option.

Set Up Consistent Clause Numbering

When you skip numbering and suppress the title for a clause or section, the numbering format may look different when you download the contract. You get the difference in numbering format because your downloaded contract has the numbering format of Microsoft Word. To enable Microsoft Word numbering format for your contract in the Enterprise Contracts UI, you must set the Consistent Microsoft Word Numbering for Contract Terms Enabled profile option as Yes.

If this profile option is set as No, you may see inconsistent numbering when you download the contract as the Microsoft Word document.

Here are the steps to enable the profile option:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for and select the Consistent Microsoft Numbering for Contract Terms Enabled profile option.

  3. Set the profile option to Yes.

  4. Save and Close.

Enable Contract Expert

Select the Enable Contract Expert option to use the Contract Expert feature in a business unit. This setting takes precedence over enabling Contract Expert for individual contract terms templates.

Specify Printed Clause and Deviations Report Layouts

For each business unit, you can specify the Oracle Analytics Publisher RTF file that serves as the layout for:

  • The printed contract terms

    Enter the RTF file you want used for formatting the printed clauses in the Clause Layout Template field.

  • The contract deviations report

    The RTF file you select as the Deviations Layout Template determines the appearance of the contract deviations report PDF. This PDF is attached to the approval notification sent to contract approvers.