Generate Sample Report Data

Depending on the type of report layout changes you're making, sample data can be required or optional. You generate sample data, and then load it for use with your layout so that you can map data fields to layout components.

For example, you can generate sample data from the:

  • Report data model

  • Report viewer

  • Scheduler

Generate Sample Data from the Data Model

Follow these steps:

  1. Select your data model in the business intelligence (BI) catalog and click Edit. Alternatively:

    1. In the catalog, find the report to generate sample data for and click Edit.

    2. Click the data model name in the report editor.

  2. In the data model editor, click View Data.

  3. Enter values for any required parameters, select the number of rows to return, and click View.

  4. To save the sample data to the data model, click Save As Sample Data.

    If you're designing a .rtf template, click Export to save the file locally.

  5. Save the data model.

Save Sample Data from the Report Viewer

For reports that are enabled for online viewing, you can save sample data from the report viewer:

  1. Select the report in the BI catalog.

  2. Click Open to run the report in the report viewer with the default parameters.

  3. On the Actions menu, click Export, then click Data.

  4. Save the data file.

Save Sample Data from the Scheduler

For reports that are enabled for scheduling (not necessarily as a scheduled process), you can save sample data from the scheduler:

  1. Select the report in the BI catalog.

  2. Click Schedule.

  3. On the General tab, enter values for any report parameters.

  4. On the Output tab, ensure that Save Data for Republishing is selected.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Open the Report Job History page.

  7. On the global header, click Open, then click Report Job History.

  8. Select your report job name in the Job Histories table.

  9. On the details page, in Output and Delivery, click the XML Data Download icon button.