How Bulk Export Process Components Work Together

You use bulk data export to export data, by leveraging export maps. To export files using bulk export, you create a process definition, map files for full and incremental extract processes, and then schedule the data export process.

Bulk Data Export Process Components

This image shows the bulk data export process components comprising the process name, export process ID, and the export map ID.
Bulk export process components

Bulk data export process includes these three components:

  • Process name: A name for the export process that lets you easily refer the export process rather than using the computer generated ID such as 100000019897192.

  • Export process ID: A unique, application generated identifier for the export process definition for the export process. The process ID ties the export map with its export objects, filters, and the export schedule.

  • Export map ID: A unique identifier for the export map. You can reuse the export map in different process definitions. For example, you create a process definition to export all the data from the Customer export object. You can then reuse that export map and apply a new filter on the data to create an incremental export, such as data accrued since the last export date.