How Links Between Original and Modified Reports Are Managed

The Customize option for predefined reports creates a copy of the report that is linked to the original. Consider the following points when you work with both the original and modified versions.

Maintaining the Link Between Reports

The link between the predefined and modified report is based on the name of the modified report and its location within the Custom folder in the business intelligence (BI) catalog.

  • If you manually create a report with the same name as a predefined report, and give it the same folder path in the Custom folder, then the new report becomes a version of the original. It would be as if you had used the Customize option to create a copy of the predefined report.

  • You can edit the report so that it uses a different data model. But if the original data model is updated later, then your newer report doesn't benefit from the change.

Caution: The link to the original report breaks if you rename the modified or original report.

Tasks Performed on Original Reports

This table describes what happens when you use the original report and a corresponding copied report exists.

Task Performed on the Original Report

Result When There Is a Copied Report


Opens the copied report.


Creates a report submission for the copied report.


Copies the original report.


Downloads the copied report.


Edits the copied report.


Opens the job history of the copied report.