Multiple Business Units

You can associate contracts with a business unit, allowing them to be restricted by a business unit . You can also specify some Contract Terms Library components at the business unit level.

For example, you can enable clause and template adoption at the business unit level.

Here are the high-level steps to set up multiple business unit functionality in Contracts, along with where to find more information about each step.


Where to Find More Information

Manage common profile options

See the Set Up Common CRM Business Unit Profile Option topic

Set business unit functions

See the Define Business Units, Assign Business Function, and Assign Ledger and Legal Entity topic.

Create a contract Organization

See the "Create a Contract Organization" section in the Manage Contract Visibility in Multiple Business Units Setup topic.

Associate contract organization to business units

See the "Associate a Contract Organization with a Business Unit" section in the Manage Contract Visibility in Multiple Business Units Setup topic.

Associate the organization to the user

See the "Associate the Organization with a User" section in the Manage Contract Visibility in Multiple Business Units Setup topic.