SOAP Web Services

Oracle Sales Cloud SOAP web services includes the following:

  • Simplified SOAP web services

  • Other SOAP web services

Simplified SOAP Web Services

The new and simplified SOAP web services are a subset of Sales Cloud web services. These web services make it easy to integrate accounts, contacts, and households with other spoke systems. Simplified object structures represent logical views of accounts, contacts, and households. You don't need to know the full data model to use the services correctly. Instead of calling multiple granular web services to orchestrate a set of customer record updates, you can perform the most common customer data management actions with simplified APIs. For example, you can use one API call to create an account with locations and associate the account with existing contacts.

The following top-level SOAP services are available:

  • Account

  • Contact

  • Household

Use these services to create, edit, find, merge, and delete account, contact, and household objects. The services support commonly used profile attributes: one set of industry classification and parent node information attributes required to create an account hierarchy, address attributes, and one instance of different contact point type attributes such as phone, mobile, fax, and e-mail.

The following child services are also available and allow you to manage multiple addresses and relationships for the three top-level objects:

  • Address

  • Relationship

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable these enhancements.

Tips and Considerations

  • Attributes that are available on the simplified pages by default are available within each of the top-level services.

  • The Account service supports the management of an account hierarchy for a given account.

  • The Address service can be used only if there's more than one address related to the top-level object.

  • The top-level services don't support any relationships. Use the Relationship service to manage relationships between any two top-level objects.

For more information about using Simplified SOAP web services in Oracle Sales Cloud, see Using Simplified SOAP Web Services (1938666.1) on My Oracle Support.

Other Services

In addition to the Simplified SOAP web services, Sales Cloud has an extensive list of other services using which you can perform complex operations. These web services can be transactional data access services and migration services.

  • Transactional data access services are services that provide access to the ADF Business objects and provide create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations to these objects (for example, Opportunity web service).

  • Migration services are used primarily for moving data from various systems into Sales Cloud. They can be either private services used only internally or may be exposed publicly on a case-by-case basis (for example, bulk import web service).

For more information about using Simplified SOAP web services in Oracle Sales Cloud, see Using Simplified SOAP Web Services (1938666.1) on My Oracle Support.