Channels Via

The channel via view object provides details about the channel instances used by service requests, SR messages, or other objects. Examples of channel instances are Facebook - Page, Facebook - Corporate Account, Twitter handle.

Data Store Key : CrmAnalyticsAM.ServiceExtractAM.SvcMgmtBiccExtractAM.ChannelViaExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ViaId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ChannelId The unique identifier of the channel used as a foreign Key to the Channels object.
CollabResourceId The unique identifier of the collaboration resource. This is a foreign key that references the Collaboration Resource view object. The COLLAB_NAME field in this table indicates the resource name as shown on the native collaboration channel.
ContactPointId The unique identifier of the contact point. This is a foreign key that references Contact Points view object. The CONTACT_POINT_TYPE column in Contact Point view object indicates the type such as phone, email, and so on.
CreatedBy The user who created the row.
CreationDate The date and time when the row was created.
DeletedFlag Indicates whether this via record is logically deleted.
InboundObjectId The unique identifier of the inbound object such as email, social, and so on.
LastUpdateDate The date and time when the row was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the row.
LastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the row.
ObjectId The unique identifier of the object associated with the channel. This is a foreign key to the Service Request view object or the SR Messages view object depending on if this is a SR or a SR message.
ObjectTypeCd Indicates whether the OBJECT_ID is for SR or for SR_Message.
ObjectVersionNumber The number of times the row has been updated.
PartyId The unique identifier of the party associated with the record. This is a foreign key to the Parties view object.
PartyViaEndPoint The end point used to send the communication to the owner of the PARTY_ID. This column can be an email address, phone number, and so on. When PARTY_ID is null and this column isn't null, this end point belongs to a party.
PersonId The unique person ID of the contact.
PostIdentifier The unique identifier for the social media posting that can be used to respond via the same channel instance.
RoutingCd Lookup code that indicates how the message was routed to the PARTY_VIA_END_POINT. For example, if the message is an email, whether the recipient is a TO, CC, or BCC recipient.
ViaId The unique identifier of the record. This is the primary key for the view object.