Opportunity Leads

The opportunity leads view object is used to provide details about the leads that resulted in an opportunity.

Data Store Key : CrmAnalyticsAM.CrmExtractAM.MooBiccExtractAM.OpportunityLeadExtractPVO

Primary Keys : OptyLeadId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CreatedBy The user who created the opportunity lead row.
CreationDate The date when the opportunity lead row was created.
DealEstimatedCloseDate The date when the deal registration for the opportunity is estimated to be closed.
DealExpirationDate The date when the lead registration will expire.
DealPartProgramId The unique identifier of the partner program associated with the lead registration.
DealType The deal or lead registration type for the opportunity.
LastUpdateDate The date when the opportunity lead row was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin The session login associated to the user who last updated the opportunity lead row.
LastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the opportunity lead row.
LeadNumber The alternate key identifier of the lead.
ObjectUsage This denotes whether the current row is representing a lead or a deal object.
OptyId The identifier of the opportunity in the opportunity lead. This is a foreign key of the Opportunity view object.
OptyLeadId The unique identifier of the lead for the opportunity.
PartnerTypeCode The code indicating the type of the partner for the lead registration.
PrDealPartOrgPartyId The unique identifier for the partner on the lead registration.
PrDealPartResPartyId The unique identifier for the primary partner resource on the lead registration.
RegistrationNumber The unique registration number of the lead for the opportunity.
UserLastUpdateDate The date and time when the opportunity lead was last updated.