Sales Stages

The Sales Stage view object contains information about the sales stage name, sales stage translation, language code of the translation, and so on.

Data Store Key : CrmAnalyticsAM.CrmExtractAM.MooBiccExtractAM.SalesStageExtractPVO

Primary Keys : StgId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
Attribute1 A segment for the sales stage descriptive flexfield.
AttributeCategory The context name for the Sales Stage descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate1 The date segment for the Sales Stage descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber1 The number segment for the Sales Stage descriptive flexfield.
AvgDaysAtStage The average number of days at sales stage.
CreatedBy The user who created the sales stage row.
CreationDate The date when the sales stage row was created.
DeletedFlag Indicates if the sales method can be deleted. Both the values NULL and N indicate a deleted record. Y indicates an active record.
LastUpdateDate The date when the sales stage row was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the sales stage row.
LastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the sales stage row.
MaxDaysInStage The maximum number of days an opportunity can be in this sales stage before it is considered Stalled.
PhaseCd This value is used to roll up different stages into phases. Phases simplify management and reporting of the sales cycle. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type MOO_STAGE_PHASE_CD.
QuotaFactor The multiplier used in quota contribution.
RcmndWinProb The recommended probability of a win.
SalesMethodId The unique identifier of the sales method in the sales stage. This is a foreign key of the Sales Method view object.
SalesStageTrnsltnDescText A brief description about the sales stage.
SalesStageTrnsltnLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
SalesStageTrnsltnName The unique name of the sales stage.
SalesStageTrnsltnSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.
SalesStageTrnsltnStgId The system generated unique identifier for the sales stage.
StageNumber An alternate unique identifier of the stage.
StageStatusCd The code indicating the status of the sales stage. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type OPTY_STATUS.
StgId The unique identifier of the sales stage. This is a primary key of the Sales Stage view object.
StgOrder The order in which the sales stage will be displayed.
UserLastUpdateDate The date and time at which the sales stage row was last updated. This value is different from the LAST_UPDATE_DATE, if the update originally happened in a different database.