Add Assessment Templates to Sales Stages

Assessments let salespeople evaluate the health of an opportunity while they work on it as part of their sales process.

Assessments can be used, for example, to help determine whether an opportunity is viable enough for the salesperson to offer an incentive, such as a discount, to the customer. Assessments include questions with scored responses. Responding to the questions provides the salesperson with immediate scoring and recommendations or follow-up business processes.

You create assessment templates in the setup pages and then add the assessment template to an opportunity sales stage. The assessment generated from the template are accessible to salespeople in the Assessments tab in opportunities for the sales stage you associated with them.

Here are the high-level steps to add assessments to sales stages:

  1. Define your assessment templates using the Manage Opportunity Assessment Templates task available from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    For more information, see the Assessments chapter in the Implementing Sales guide. The topic, How to Create Assessment Templates, has the steps.

  2. Edit a sales stage and, in the Assessment Templates area, associate the assessments with a sales stage. Mark the assessment mandatory to make it required that salespeople complete the assessment before they can move the opportunity to another sales stage.

    For more information, see the section Opportunity Assessments, in the Opportunities chapter of the Using Sales guide. The topic, Perform an Opportunity Assessment, has the steps.

Add Assessments to Sales Stages

Here's the procedure to add an assessment template to an opportunity sales stage.

Note: You must have already created an assessment template before it's available to add to a sales stage. See the topic, Create Assessment Templates, for the steps.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Sales Methods and Sales Stages

  2. On the Manage Sales Methods page, click the sales method whose sales stages you want to modify.

    The Edit Sales Method page appears.

  3. In the Edit Sales Method page, click the sales stage you want to configure. In the upper portion of the page, it's assumed you would have already filled out the core information for the sales stage. For more information about these fields, see the topic, Create and Edit Sales Methods and Stages.

  4. In the Assessment Templates region, click the create icon.

  5. Search for and select the assessment template you created earlier.

  6. In the Type column, pick:

    • Recommended if you want the salesperson to have access to the assessment in the Assessments tab for this sales stage, but isn't required to complete before moving the opportunity to the next sales stage.

    • Mandatory if you want the salesperson to have access to the assessment in the Assessments tab for this sales stage, and is required to complete before moving the opportunity to the next sales stage.

  7. Save your changes.