Add Price Book Field to Account and Opportunity Pages

Now that you have created the new Price Book field, you need to add the field to the Edit Account and Edit Opportunity pages.

  1. In Application Composer, navigate to Standard Objects > Account > Pages. For opportunities, go to Standard Objects > Opportunity > Pages.

  2. Ensure that you're on the Application Pages tab.

  3. In the Details Page Layouts regions of Account: Pages or Opportunity: Pages, duplicate the standard layout and edit the resulting layout.

    The detail steps are different for account and opportunity:

    Account detail steps:

    1. In the Subtabs region, edit the Profile subtab (click the Profile icon).

    2. Edit the Summary Edit Subtab: Summary region.

    Opportunity detail steps:

    1. In the Details Layout page, edit the Edit Subtab: Summary region.

  4. In the Available Fields window, select and move the custom Price Book field to the Selected Fields list.

  5. Click Save and Close.

  6. Click Done.