Add Status Categories for Open Revenue

You can specify additional revenue line status categories to include when the application calculates opportunity amount. By default, the application only includes revenue lines in Open status when calculating the opportunity summary amount.

However, you can include, for example, both won and open lines by modifying the lookup type, Open Opportunity Rollup Status Mapping.

Here's how to modify the Open Opportunity Rollup Status Mapping lookup type:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Standard Lookups

  2. In the Manage Standard Lookups page, enter Open Opportunity Rollup Status Mapping in the Meaning field. The lookup type code, which you can search for in the Lookup Type field, is ORA_MOO_OPEN_ROLLUP_MAPPING.

  3. Add the new lookup code. For example, add a code called WON.

    • Use Enabled to enable or disable a specific lookup code.

    • Update the meaning (display name), start date, end date, or display sequence of any of the predefined values.

    • Add or remove lookup codes, as long as they follow the correct lookup code formatting.

    Note: The OPEN category can't be modified.
  4. Click Save and Close.

After you make the changes, the opportunity summary amount calculation will include all revenue lines in OPEN status category, as well as any other status categories you have added and enabled.