Add the Browse Catalog Button to Edit Lead Page

Sales administrators can add the Browse Catalog button to the edit lead page so that users can browse the sales catalog and view the product hierarchy.

This lets salespeople browse the sales catalog while editing a lead and select and add products or product groups to the lead.

Note: Before you can add the Browse Catalog button to the edit lead page, the profile option Browse Sales Catalog in Opportunities Enabled must be set to Y.

Use these steps to add the Browse Catalog button to the Edit Lead page.

  1. Navigate to the Sales Lead object in Application Composer.

  2. Ensure you're in a sandbox.

  3. Select the Pages node.

  4. On the Application Pages tab, under Details Page Layouts, duplicate the standard layout to create a new layout to edit.

  5. Select the Summary subtab on the Edit Lead page, scroll down to the Fuse Lead Details Products area, and click the Edit icon.

  6. From the Configure Detail Form: Buttons and Actions region, move the Browse Catalog item from the Available Buttons area to the Selected Buttons area.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. On the Details Layout page, click Done.

  9. Verify that you can see the Browse Catalog button on the Edit Lead Summary page for a draft lead.

  10. Publish your sandbox.