Assessment Template Status Codes

This topic explains the status codes for an assessment template. Throughout the life of an assessment template, you can assign different status codes.

These status codes control the actions you're allowed to make against an assessment template.

  • In Progress

  • Active

  • Retired

In Progress

This is the initial status of an assessment template. In this status, you can edit any part of the template. This is the only status in which you can delete a template. If the template isn't deleted, it moves to the Active status.


This is the status assigned when the assessment template is deployed for general usage. In this status, you can make only minor textual edits to it, including, but not limited to, template description, question text correction, question sequencing change, response description, and score range feedback. From this status, you can move the template to Retired, but you can't delete it.


When an assessment template is in this status, it's no longer available for general usage. You can't edit any part of it, and you can't move it to any other status. However, it can still be copied. Active templates that are deleted revert to this retired status.