Assignment Objects and Rules Setup Data Migration

This topic explains exporting and importing assignment objects and rules setup data, along with the points to consider while moving the setup data.

Almost all application implementations require moving functional setup data from one instance into another at various points in the lifecycle of the applications. For example, a typical case in any enterprise application implementation is to first implement in a development or test application instance and then deploy to a production application instance after thorough testing. You can move functional setup configurations for assignment objects or assignment rules from one application instance into another by exporting and importing configuration packages from the Manage Configuration Packages page.

To export and import assignment setup data, you should start by defining an implementation project for the required assignment setup task:

  • Manage Customer Center Assignment Objects

  • Manage Object Sharing Assignment Objects

  • Manage Object Sharing Rules

  • Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects

  • Manage Sales Assignment Manager Rules

  • Manage Sales Lead Assignment Objects

  • Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules

  • Manage Service Assignment Objects

  • Manage Service Assignment Rules

The Manage Configuration Packages setup task exports the assignment objects or rules setup data.

A configuration package contains the setup import and export definition. The setup import and export definition is the list of setup tasks and their associated business objects that identifies the setup data for export as well as the data itself. You generate the setup export and import definition by selecting an implementation project and creating a configuration package. The tasks and their associated business objects in the selected implementation project define the setup export and import definition for the configuration package. In addition, the sequence of the tasks in the implementation project determines the export and import sequence.

You can export a configuration package once you create it, or at any time in the future. During export, appropriate setup data will be identified based on the setup export definition and added to the configuration package. The setup data in the configuration package is a snapshot of the data in the source application instance at the time of export. Therefore you must publish the assignment objects and rules before export. After the export completes, you can download the configuration package as a compressed archive of multiple XML files, move it to the target application instance, and upload and import it. You must review and publish the assignment objects and rules setup data in the target application instance to make them available for assignment processing.

See the chapter about importing and exporting setup data in the Using Functional Setup Manager guide for more details.

Considerations for Exporting and Importing Setup Data

Based on your implementation, you might have to follow different approaches while exporting and importing assignment setup data.

Consider these points:

  • If your implementation is using territory-based assignment only, then the implementation project must only include the Assignment Objects setup tasks.

  • If your implementation is using territory-based assignment with rule filtering or rule-based assignment, the implementation project should include both the Assignment Objects and Assignment Rules setup tasks.

  • If you aren't sure whether your implementation is using territory or rule-based assignment, then Oracle recommends that you include both Assignment Objects and Assignment Rules setup tasks in the implementation project.

  • The sequence of the tasks and business objects should remain per the default sequence.

You can delete assignment objects, assignment attributes, rule categories, rule sets, rules and conditions in a test environment. If the setup data subsequently is exported and then imported into another environment, for example a production environment, then the data in the target database isn't removed.

If your implementation plans to import and export setup data for assignment objects and assignment rules, you must ensure not to delete assignment objects, rule categories, rule sets, and rules. You must set them to inactive in case you want to delete them. Additionally, you must not delete assignment rule conditions. Instead, you must set the rule to inactive and then recreate the rule excluding the condition that's no longer needed.