Associate Task Templates with Assessment Templates

You can associate task templates with assessment templates to recommend tasks to salespersons based on the assessment outcome. As a result of the association, a set of related tasks appear as follow-up activities after a salesperson completes the assessment for an object.

Task templates are predefined, individual tasks that you can group together and associate with an object. Template tasks are a set or group of individual tasks from the task template. You can only create a task template for these objects:

  • Opportunity

  • Lead

  • Campaign

  • Customer

Note: To be available for selection, the task template must have a subtype of Assessment and belong to the same object as the assessment template. For example, when creating an assessment for an opportunity, you must select an opportunity task template.

Here's how to associate task templates:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Opportunity Assessment Templates

  2. In the Manage Opportunity Assessment Templates page, click Create and follow the setup steps.

    Note: The last task in the setup flow is to associate task templates.
  3. Navigate to the Associate Task Templates page.

  4. Click the Create icon.

  5. Select the task template that you want to associate with the assessment template.

  6. Click OK.

    The selected task template appears in the Associate Task Templates page.

    Note: If you enter a score range, you can view the task template only when the assessment is within that score range.
  7. Click Save.

    The task template is now associated with the assessment template.