What is a Batch Assignment Progress Report?

You can generate a batch assignment progress report to show you a variety of details about your assignment processes.

The batch assignment progress report indicates the number of records processed, unprocessed, successful or failed, and the number of records processed per minute for a process. The report provides details of assignment processing for multiple batch assignment processes and their sub-processes. You can run this report while a batch assignment process (accounts, leads, opportunities, revenue, or partner accounts) is running, or after a process has completed.

Access the Diagnostic Dashboard to generate the batch assignment progress report. The report includes two tables, one with details of the main process, followed by details of the sub-processes. The second table with sub-processes appears only if the Include Sub Process parameter is set to True.

Input Parameters

The report has the following input parameters:

Input Parameter


Parent Process ID

Identifiers for the parent scheduled processes.

You can enter multiple process IDs.

From Date

Select the start date.

To Date

Select the end date.

Include Sub Processes

Select True to include sub-processes. The default value is False.

Example Report

Here is an example of a batch assignment progress report, along with description of what each value means:


Sample Value


Parent Process ID


Identifier for the scheduled process

Work Object


Code for the work object

Candidate Object


Code for the candidate object

Submitted By


User name of the person submitting the process

Process Status


Status of the process, such as, Not Started, In Progress, or Canceled

Process Start Time

11/19/12 8:48 PM UTC

Start Time of the process. Shows date, hours, and minutes

Process End Time

11/19/12 8:56 PM UTC

End Time of the process. Shows date, hours, and minutes

Process Elapsed Time (Minutes)


Number of minutes the process has been running

Records per Minute


Number of records processed per minute

Number of Sub Processes


Number of sub-processes launched from the parent process

Number of Records


Number of records in the process

Number Not Processed


Number of records not yet processed

Number Successful


Number of records successfully processed

Number Failed


Number of records failed

Failure Rate


Number of failures divided by the Number of items

Assignment Elapsed Time


Number of minutes the assignment processing has been running

Records Processed Last 10 Minutes


Number of records processed in the previous 10 minutes

Number of Retries


Number of times the process has been resubmitted

You can also use the report to estimate the time it will take to complete a batch assignment process. This report provides details on the number of records completed and the number of records in progress. You can generate this report repeatedly to conduct performance analysis of the batch assignment processing.