Change the Business Unit for a Subset of Opportunities

Salespeople can update the business unit on an opportunity. They can also update the set-enabled lookup values on the opportunity and revenue lines.

Read this topic to learn how to add new specific or common set values for sales methods and stages. Learn how to enable or disable existing lookup values for:

  • Set-enabled lookups for these opportunity tasks:

    • Manage Levels of Risk

    • Manage Strategic Values

    • Manage Decision Levels

    • Manage Deal Horizons

    • Manage Win/Loss Reasons

    • Manage Opportunity Revenue Types

  • Sales Status lookup values

  • Specific Sales Method and Sales Stage for the Sales Method

You set lookup values from the relevant tasks available from the Define Opportunity Management Lookups page. This page is accessible from the Sales offering work area.

Modify BU Setup for Opportunities

Here's how to create specific values or enable or disable existing lookup values for opportunities. You also set up the sales status, sales method, and sales stage before you select your business unit to apply the changes.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Define Opportunity Management Lookups

  2. On the Define Opportunity Management Lookups page, select the opportunity task that you want.

  3. Add a new set-enabled lookup value or either enable or disable an existing lookup value.

  4. After the setup is done for the task lookups, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Sales Status

  5. In the Sales Statuses section of the Manage Sales Statuses page, add a new sales status or select or deselect Active for an existing sales status.

  6. Next, go to the Manage Sales Methods and Sales Stages task.

  7. Add a new sales method and sales stage for the sales method that you want.

  8. After you complete the setup related to lookups, sales statuses, sales methods, and sales stages, navigate to the Define Business Units task.

  9. Click the Manage Business Unit Set Assignment task.

  10. In the Reference Data Set Code column, for each object, set the business unit.

  11. Click Save and Close.

Repeat step these steps for each new individual business unit you have added.