Changes to Source Territories

Create one territory as the source and let the shadowing territories inherit the dimension definitions from the one source. Then you only make changes in the one source territory, and the rest of the territories inherit the change.

This is an easy way to keep dimension definitions synchronized for a number of territories.

In this chart, the address dimension in the source territory Is originally US > California > Northern CA. You add US > Oregon > Southern OR so the source territory includes both Northern CA and Southern OR. The recipient territories automatically change to match.
Geography Change Inherited

Update Recipients

After you make changes to a source territory, select the territory in the Territories table on the proposal. Go to the Actions menu and select Inherit > Update Recipients. The Territory Inheritance Recipient Update process makes changes to the recipient territories.

The default processing behavior uses the Maximum Number of Territories in Proposal parameter to 0 which uses a faster option to update active recipient territories without using proposals. This improves the performance when regenerating inheritance territories and minimizes the changes to recipient territories which is important for customers with large numbers of territories and complex territory definitions.