Compare Active Adaptive Search Configuration to the Default Configuration

You can generate a spreadsheet that compares any changes made to the current active adaptive search configuration against the last published default configuration.

For example, you select the business objects you want to enable in Adaptive Search on the Quick subtab and click Publish to enable the adaptive search configuration provided by Oracle. For custom objects, the default configuration won't have any custom object configuration details.

You can modify how search operates on the Setup Advanced tab of the Configure Adaptive Search page. For example, you can specify which fields of an object and its related objects can be used in searches and displayed as search filters. Because Oracle configures the fields for you, setup is optional unless you want to enable search on custom child objects and fields, or to change Oracle's default search configuration. You must run the Publish process for your changes to take effect.

Generate Adaptive Search Comparison Report

Before you run the Publish process, you can view and compare all the attributes for the custom objects in addition to any entities enabled or disabled in the unpublished configuration.

You must have the ZCA_ADAPTIVE_SEARCH_CONFIG_PUBLISH privilege to generate a comparison spreadsheet for your currently active Adaptive Search configuration against your default configuration.

  1. From Setup, click Advanced.

    From here you can change which objects and fields are enabled for search, how they are searched on, and other search configurations. You can also enable and disable objects for searching.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Compare with Previous Configuration.

  3. From the Compare with Previous Configuration dialog, under Records, select either Modified or All options.

  4. Next, select one of these Adaptive Search configurations options:

    • Unpublished Configuration

    • Active Configuration

      to compare against one of these configurations:

    • Active Configuration

    • Default Configuration

  5. Click Export to download the comparison data from Adaptive Search as a CSV file. You can then use this file to view or analyze your data offline.

The spreadsheet contains a separate tab for each object and displays a list of attributes for each object in the current configuration. The first column displays the name of the Attribute, the next four columns shows the Boolean values for the current configuration and the next four columns shows the Boolean values of the default configuration.