Configure Activity List by Job Roles

You can configure the add-in Activity list to appear based the job role of your users. For example, you can configure the Activity list so that salespeople can only log calls, but sales managers can log calls and create a call report.

From the Activity tab of the add-in home page, your users can do these actions by default:

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Task

  • Create Call Report

  • Log a Call

Let's see how to configure this:

  1. In an active sandbox, open the CX Microsoft 365 Designer (Sales application > Application Composer > Productivity Applications Setup > CX Microsoft 365 Designer).

  2. Click the hamburger icon and go to Home > Side Panel > Activity List.

  3. Duplicate the standard layout to create your custom layout.

  4. Do this in the custom layout:

    1. Select the roles from the Assigned Roles list.

    2. Under Activity List Actions, you can see all the default actions available. Keep the actions you want these roles to access and remove the others.

  5. Save your layout.

    Note: You can create separate layouts based on roles and the activities you want them to access.