Configure Default Pricing

You can configure default pricing for products in the sales Products pages.

Note: You can configure pricing for "standalone" products. Standalone products are products that have no association with a product group in the sales catalog. This means you can set prices for products independent of the catalog hierarchy.

Here are the high-level steps to configure default prices for products:

  • Enable the Default Pricing region in the Edit Product page, using the steps in the section, Enable the Default Pricing Region, in this topic.

  • Configure the pricing. Use the steps in the section, Configure Default Pricing, in this topic.

Enable the Default Pricing Region

After you enable it using Application Composer, the Default Pricing region shows up in the Edit Product page. Here are the steps:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.

  3. Under Standard Objects, navigate to Product > Pages.

  4. Go to the Details Page Layouts section and duplicate the standard layout. Name and then edit the resulting layout.

  5. In the Details Layout page, click Show in the Edit Default Pricing region.

  6. Click Done.

  7. Now, test the change:

    1. Click the Home icon in the global header.

    2. Navigate to Sales > Products.

    3. Edit a product.

    4. Verify that you can see the Default Pricing region on the page.

  8. After you have verified the change, publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.

Configure Default Pricing

Now that you have the Edit Default Pricing region ready to go, search for and edit the product you want to configure pricing for.

Note: As a prerequisite, the product must be created and be in a price book. See the Price Books chapter in this guide for more information.The product doesn't need to be part of a product group or product group hierarchy.

Configure the default pricing:

  1. In the Default Pricing region of the Edit Product page, click the Add button.

  2. Enter the currency, UOM, and list price of the product.

    • Currency: This list of values is based on the same fixed choice list as in the price book header.

    • Name: This field shows the name of the default price book for the selected currency, for your reference.

    • UOM: This list of values is based the same fixed choice list as in the price book line.

    • List Price: This field is the same type of field as in the price book line.

  3. Save your work.

Add the product to a published product group to complete the setup and display the product to users in the sales catalog.

Important Considerations for the Default Pricing Region

Keep these considerations in mind as you implement and use the Default Pricing region:

  • You can't extend the region. For example, you can't add or remove columns on the table.

  • The application doesn't support custom price book and price book line attributes.

  • You can only maintain default prices for the product you're editing. However, you can maintain other, additional prices for the product using the Edit Price Book UI or using REST services or import management.

  • The region table displays all prices for the product you're editing, from all active default price books.

  • If you have added a default price and the corresponding price book becomes inactive or is no longer marked as the default, these prices are no longer displayed in the new region.

  • The list of available values in the Currency list is the unique list of currencies from all active, default price books.

  • The combination of Currency and UOM must be unique in the table. In other words, you're not able to save multiple rows for the same combination of currency and UOM, for the product you're editing.