Configure Push Notifications

With push notifications, users get notifications on their mobile devices. You define notifications in Application Composer with your unique, conditional logic. Devices such as iOS and Android support push notifications.

For example, you can define alerts for upcoming milestones, reassignments, or escalations. Define the starting point to send a notification when you assign a high-severity request to a user.

After they sign in to the mobile application, users can view a list of their notifications by clicking the Notifications icon on the global header. They can dismiss notifications after viewing or dismiss them in bulk.

As you implement push notifications, you decide when to raise each notification. You specify whether to enable mobile push notification alerts, or to deliver the alerts only to the bell notifications on the desktop application.

Note: If the Notifications feature is set up, it automatically sets up bell notifications. Delivery of bell notifications happens even if mobile notifications are disabled. Clicking a notification and navigating to the record details marks the notification as read, and it's cleared from the notification list.

Here's how you enable push notifications:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

  3. In the Setup and Maintenance area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Click the drop-down button in the Sales Foundation row.

    • Click View Feature Selection in the menu. The Edit Feature: Sales Foundation page appears.

  4. Select the Enable check box for Mobile Notifications.

  5. Publish the sandbox.