Configure the Microsoft 365 Side Panel

The side panel shows contact information and has links to related records.

How Can I Configure the Contacts Header Section

You can configure what users can see on the Contacts header region. By default, the application shows the following: contact snapshot, name (if available), the account that the contact is associated with, and the job title. You can select additional fields to show on the header.

To configure the contact header:

  1. Expand the Side Panel, and then expand Header.

    The Standard layout is the default layout and you can't modify this layout. This paradigm is true for all the features.

  2. Click the Duplicate icon to create a layout that you can configure.

  3. Enter the name of the layout and click OK.

    You can now modify the layout that you have created.

  4. To add a field to layout, select the field from the Available Fields region. Drag and drop that field to the layout.

  5. Click the Cross icon to remove a field from the layout.

    Note: You can also modify the order in which the fields are shown on the contact header. The contact snap and the name can't be removed from the header.
  6. Activate the layout that you created.

How Can I Configure the Related Records Section?

Here's how you can configure the Related Records section:

  • Add or remove features.

  • Create sorting logic for the features.

    To create a sorting logic select the field on which the feature is sorted and also the order of the sort.

    Note: This sort is only applicable to the side panel. You can't configure list view sort here.
  • Create filter logic for the features.