Create Custom Territory Attributes for Territory Assignment

Create custom attributes for sales territories and then use those attributes in territory assignment to match with customer attributes in the account, opportunity, lead, deal, or partners objects.

These territory custom attributes can be viewed and managed in active territories, territory proposals, REST services, and export and import management.
Note: Now, let's create and use a custom territory attribute for the sales lead object as an example. Here are the high-level steps:
  1. Create a custom attribute for the Sales Territory standard object.
  2. Add the custom territory attribute to the Sales Lead assignment.
  3. Map the custom attributes you created for Sales Territory and Sales Lead objects.

Create a Custom Attribute for the Sales Territory Standard Object

  1. In an active sandbox, go to the Application Composer.
  2. Create a fixed choice list called Branch for the Sales Territory standard object.
  3. In the List of Values region, create a new lookup type MKL_LEAD_BRANCH for Branch, and add lookup codes for each of the company branches.
  4. Save the field.
  5. Next, add the Branch field to the Sales Lead Detail page.
  6. Publish the sandbox.

Add the Custom Territory Attribute to the Sales Lead Assignment

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Sales Lead Assignment Objects task:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Leads
    • Task: Manage Sales Lead Assignment Objects
  2. Select Sales Lead Territory.
  3. On the Attributes tab, click Add Row.
  4. From the View Object Attribute drop-down list, select a standard or custom lookup field you want to use. For example, assume you created a custom lookup field, Branch. The lookup field will be available in the drop-down list. Select it.
  5. Enter Candidate Information Sequence. This is the sequence in which the attribute is shown in the displayed record.
  6. Leave the Inactive check box unselected.
  7. Save and publish.

Next, add the attribute assignment mapping to use this attribute to match with a standard or custom Sales Lead attribute, or to filter the matching territories.

Map the Custom Sales Territory and Sales Lead Attributes

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Sales Lead Assignment Objects task:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Leads
    • Task: Manage Sales Lead Assignment Objects
  2. Select Sales Lead.
  3. In the Candidates tab, within the Sales Lead Territory: Rule Categories subtab, select Sales Lead Territory Rule Category.
  4. In the Sales Lead Territory: Mapping Sets subtab, select Mapping Set 1.
  5. In the Mapping Set 1: Mappings table, click Create.
  6. Define attributes for these fields:
    Mapping Field Value You Select
    Type Attribute
    Exact Match Select the check box
    Candidate Object Sales Lead Territory
    Work Object Sales Lead
    Candidate Object Attribute: Low Select the custom territory field you created. In this example, Branch.
    Null Value Handling Derive Mapping Value
    Work Object Attribute: Low Select the custom lead field you created. In this example, Branch.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for each mapping set.
  9. Save and publish.