Create Groupings of Values for Display in Search Filters

You can create different groupings of values for numeric, corporate currency, percent, and date fields. These groupings display when the field is used as a filter in a search.

Users get an overview of the number of records in each value grouping and they can select the groupings to narrow down their search results even more. For example, you can break down opportunity revenue into different ranges: 0 to 10,000, 10,000 to 100,000, 100,000 to 500,000, and 500,000 and up. When users use opportunity revenue as a filter, they see how many opportunities fall in each range. Selecting a range automatically displays a list of opportunities in that range.

You can also place related records displayed together as a group based on account, country, rank and so on. This provides an overview of the records in each value and you can select a group list to narrow down your search results even more. You can also perform search based on the fiscal quarters.

Note: By entering precise search criteria for your saved search, you can greatly decrease the number of search records returned and decrease the load time.

Before you start to create a value group field, ensure that the field is enabled for Workspace and enabled for UI display before creating its value groupings. See the Enable Fields for Display as Filters and Search Result Columns topic for details.

Note: You can set up to a maximum of six filters. If you try to add more than six filters, you're prompted to remove filters to meet the maximum threshold of six.Here's how to create a grouping of values for display as a filter in your search.
  1. Sign in as a setup user.

  2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and use:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Show: All Tasks

    • Task: Configure Adaptive Search

    The Configure Adaptive Search page appears.

  3. Click the Configure UI tab.

  4. Select the object where you want to set up filter value groupings in the left pane of the tab. You may have to open up the object hierarchy. The fields for the object display in the Configure Fields tab on the right.

    Note: You can create filter value groupings only for fields that display a name of an existing grouping in the Define Groupings column. The Defined Groupings (checked) indicator (a check mark) in this column indicates filter groupings are created automatically. You can't create your own groupings for these fields.
  5. If a filter grouping supplied by Oracle already exists for the field you want to set up, then remove the filter from the field. You can't edit filter value groupings provided by Oracle.

  6. If no filter value groupings exist for the field, then click Search (the down arrow) to display the list of existing groupings and either select an existing grouping or click the Create link to create a new one.

    Here's a screenshot of a portion of the Configure UI page. Callouts identify the relevant features.

    Callout Number



    Selecting an object on the left displays its fields on the right.


    A name in the Define Groupings column tells you that you can create filter groupings of your own. You must remove the existing filter groupings before selecting or creating a new one. You can edit groupings by clicking the name, but not those groups provided by Oracle.


    A check mark in the Define Groupings column indicates filter groupings are created automatically. You can't create your own groupings for these fields.


    Clicking Search (the down arrow icon) in the Define Groupings column displays a list of existing filters. Search is only available after you remove an existing grouping for the fields.


    Location of the Create link


    Selecting the Display in UI option makes the field available in the Workspace UI.

    Configure UI page with the Opportunity object selected
  7. If you're creating a filter for a date field, then do the this:

    1. Enter a unique filter name and description. The filter name appears in the list of existing filters whenever you're adding a new filter.

    2. In the Manage Date Filters region, use the Move buttons (arrows) to select the date ranges you want to use in the filter and change their order. You can't create additional date ranges.

      The image shows a screen capture of the Create Filter page for a date field.
      Create Filter window for a date field
    3. Click OK when you're done.

      Note: In Workspace, a filter Date type such as Last Week is considered to be from Monday to Sunday and displays all records from Monday to Sunday of the previous week. Selecting a filter of Last Year, for example in 2021, would return all records from January 01 2020 to December 31 2020 for the selected search object.
  8. If you're creating a filter for a numeric, corporate currency, or percent field, then do this:

    1. Enter a unique filter name and description. The filter name appears in the list of existing filters whenever you're adding a new filter.

    2. Create the filter value groupings. You can create up to 10 groupings. No gaps or overlaps are allowed between groupings. To create the groupings:

      1. Click Add (the plus icon).

      2. For the first grouping, you can select either the Less than or the Between operator and enter the low and high values as appropriate.

        Results with the high value you enter aren't included in the filter value range. If you enter a range of 0 to 10,000 then the filter value grouping displays records between 0 and 9,999.

      3. Subsequent groupings copy the high value from the previous grouping as the low value for the new grouping.

        The low value is inclusive. If the low value is 10,000, then the grouping displays results with 10,000.

        You can use the Between, Greater than and equal to and Equal to operators.

      This table lists the filter value groupings for a sample filter called Revenue Ranges.


      Low Value

      High Value










      Greater than or equal to


      Not applicable. There's no high value for the Greater than or equal to function.

      This image shows a screen capture of the Create Filter page for the sample Revenue Ranges numeric filter.

      Screen capture of the Create Filter window for a sample numeric field filter. The filter, called Revenue Ranges, includes filter value groupings described in the text.
    3. Click OK when you're done.

  9. Ensure that the Display in UI option is selected for the fields you want to enable for use as filters in the UI. The fields are also available for display as columns in the search results.

  10. Click Save and Close.

The changes you made are reflected in the Workspace UI. No publishing is required for the filter changes.

Note: If your Accounting Calendar is modified, then you must click Refresh Cache from the Actions menu in the Setup - Advanced tab on the Configure Adaptive Search page. When complete, sign out and sign back in again to see the changes reflect in the Fiscal Year based filters in Workspace.