Create Partner Task Templates

A task template is a group of tasks associated with a business object, such as Partners.

Users with the Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator or Application Implementation Consultant job roles can use the Manage Partner Task Template setup task to create task templates for partners. Channel managers and partner administrators can then use these templates to quickly create multiple tasks with a single click. The tasks generated from the template are accessible to users in the Activities subtab on Partner pages.

By default, this feature is hidden, however sales administrators can use Application Composer to expose a 'smart' Create Task button on the Embedded task list of the Activity object. When a valid task template has been created, a Create Tasks from a Template option is available from the Create Task button. If no valid task templates have been created, then the Create Task button functions as it always has.

The process of creating task templates and making them available to channel managers and partner administrators involves the following:

  1. Create the task template and create the individual tasks for the template.

  2. Expose the 'smart' Create Task button on the Embedded task list of the Activity object.

Create a Partner Task Template

Users with the Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator or Application Implementation Consultant job roles can use these steps to create task templates for partners.

  1. Sign in with your Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator or Application Implementation Consultant credentials.

  2. Navigate to the Sales offering in Setup and Maintenance.

  3. Search for and select the Manage Partner Task Template setup task.

  4. On the Manage Partner Task Template page, click the Create icon.

  5. On the Create Template pop-up, provide information in the following fields:

    The following table lists the fields available on the Create Template pop-up and provides a description for each field.



    Template Name

    Enter the name of the template.

    Description Template Set

    Enter a brief description about the template name, if required.


    Selecting this check box indicates that the template is active. The check box is selected by default.

    Template Type

    The business object to which the task template is associated is set as default. For partner task templates, the template type is Partner Profile.


    The default value is blank. If you want to create a task template for assessment you must select Assessment. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

    Template Set

    Select the template set (Set ID) that you want to associate with your business unit.

  6. On the Create Template pop-up, click OK.

  7. To create tasks for the task template, click the Create icon in the Details section.

  8. On the Create Task pop-up, provide information in the following fields:

    The following table lists the fields available on the Create Task pop-up and provides a description for each field.




    Provide a subject for the task.


    (Optional) Describe the task.

    Lead Time

    (Optional) Enter the lead time for the task.


    (Optional) Select a type for the task.

    Template Duration

    (Optional) Define the due date for the task. The due date is calculated based on the template duration value and the task start date.

    If the duration is blank in the template task, the task is created without a due date.


    (Optional) Select a priority for the task.

  9. On the Create Task pop-up, click OK.

  10. Click Save and Close to save your work

Add the Smart Create Task Button to Activity Pages

Use these steps to replace the Create Task button with the 'smart' Create Task button on Activity pages.

  1. Sign in with your Sales Administrator credentials.

  2. Ensure you are in a sandbox.

  3. From the Navigator, click Application Composer.

  4. From the list of Standard objects, expand Activity.

  5. Click the Pages link.

  6. In the Activity Pages list, scroll down to the Embedded Task List Overview page.

  7. Duplicate the standard layout and click Create and Edit.

  8. On the Edit Layout page for your duplicate layout, click the Edit icon for the Embedded Task List Overview Table.

  9. In the Configure Detail Form: Buttons and Actions area, move the Create Task + Create Task From Template button from the Available Buttons column to the Selected Buttons column.

  10. In the Configure Detail Form: Buttons and Actions area, move the Create Task button from the Selected Buttons column to the Available Buttons column.

  11. Click Save and Close and click Done to save your work.

  12. Publish your sandbox.