Create the Territory Hierarchy Using Proposals

You create one territory hierarchy starting with a single top territory. Create more than one what-if proposal to compare and decide which is the most equitable.

Create a Proposal

Use the territory proposal to create many territories at one time.

  1. In Workspace, click the Sales Territories Hierarchy tab.

  2. Click the Manage Proposals button on the Active Territories page.

  3. In the Current Territory Proposals region, click Create (the plus sign icon).

  4. Enter a name for the proposal.

  5. Leave the Activation Date field blank. This will cause the proposal to be activated immediately after you build your territories.

  6. Click Save and View.

Your territory proposal opens and you can start building your territory hierarchy.

Create the Master Catchall as the Top of the Hierarchy

Use this procedure to create the territory at the top of the sales territory hierarchy as the master catchall territory. Because the top territory is usually owned by a senior manager or executive and you don't want executives troubleshooting territory assignment, you must add a sales administrator, or another resource who does the troubleshooting, as a territory team member.

  1. In the Territories region of your territory proposal, click Create.

  2. Enter the territory name.

  3. Enter the resource who's the owner of the top territory"

    1. From the Owner list, select Search.

    2. Search for the resource name using any of the criteria.

    3. Select the name and click OK.

    The owner appears on the Territory Team tab. You can add additional members to the team, and the owner himself can add members later.

  4. From the territory Type list, select Prime.

  5. From the Enable Forecasting list, select Prime only unless you're creating forecasts for overlay territories. This setting enables the territory to be used for forecasting.

  6. Add the sales administrator to this territory:

    1. In the Territory Team tab in the Additional Information region, click Select and Add.

    2. Search for the resource using any of the fields.

    3. Select the resource from the search results and click OK.

  7. Click Save and Close.

    Your new territory appears in the Territories table of your proposal.

  8. With the territory selected in the Territories table, click the Coverage tab in the Details region at the bottom of the page.

    Every enabled dimension is represented by a column, and each column displays the value of Any. This is the setting you want for your master catchall territory. You're now ready to add the rest of the territory hierarchy.

Add the Rest of the Hierarchy

Add the rest of the sales territory hierarchy from the top down.

  1. In the Manage Territory Proposals page, select the name of your proposal to open it for editing.

  2. Select the parent territory in the Territories table.

  3. Click Create Child of Selected Territory (the plus sign icon).

  4. In the Create Territory page, enter the territory name.

  5. Enter the owner for the territory.

  6. Your new territory duplicates the definition from the parent. You can make changes.

    1. Select the territory type, either Prime or Overlay.

    2. If Territory Precedence is enabled, you can select a territory function. Assignment compares all territories with the same function and gives precedence to the territories with included accounts.

    3. From the Enable Forecasting list, select Prime, Overlay, or Prime and Overlay, depending on the territory you're setting up. For managers of both prime and overlay territories, select Prime and Overlay so that the managers can adjust forecasts of all their subordinates. Select Disabled to remove the territory from forecasting.

  7. Click Save and Close.

    You're returned to the Territory Proposal window. You're now ready to specify the coverage for the territory.

You can copy an existing territory to create a territory at the same level in the hierarchy. No child territories are copied..

  1. Select the territory you want to copy.

  2. Click Copy territory as a peer with no children.

  3. Enter a name for the new territory.

  4. The territory definition is copied from the parent territory of the selected territory. This includes the summary and additional information, including owner. territory type, and the team. Make changes as needed.

  5. Save and close.

  6. Review the coverage for your new territory. The dimensions, inclusions, and exclusions match the parent territory. To make changes, follow the steps in the next section.

Define the Territory Coverage

When you create a child territory, it automatically inherits the coverage of its parent, including dimensions, inclusions, and exclusions. You can use a territory that has no coverage definitions as a parent to create a new territory with a clean slate.

  1. In the Manage Territory Proposals page, select the name of your proposal.

  2. In the Territories table, select the territory you want to change.

  3. Click the Coverage tab in the Details region of the page. Coverage can include Address, Dimensions, Included Customers, and Excluded Customers.

  4. If a region has no coverage, then click Add in the Actions menu. Otherwise, click Edit (the pencil icon) to make changes.

  5. For dimensions, either Add or Edit opens Edit Coverage:

    1. Select the dimension from the Dimensions list.

    2. Add or remove dimension members from the Selected Dimension Members box.

      Tip: If the Product dimension doesn't show the correct list of products from the sales catalog, then navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area and run the Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI process. The wrong products can show up in rare cases where you have changed the root of your sales catalog.
    3. Save and close.

  6. To include specified customers:

    1. Click Select and Add.

    2. Search for and select a customer.

    3. You can click Save and Apply to search for and select another.

    4. Click Save and Close.

  7. To exclude specified customers, repeat step 7 in the Excluded Customers region.