Define the Territories UI

You can determine which UI you see when you first open Territories.

Define the Landing Page

You set profile options to define whether the landing page for territories is the More Details UI or the Less Details UI.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

  2. Search for the profile option code FND_CLASSIC_INTERFACE. This profile option enables access from the Navigator and springboard to the more details pages when there are more and less detail versions of the same page. If not set, the default is the less details version.

  3. You can set this profile option at the site level or for individual users. Choose one of the following settings:

    • Yes: The landing page is the more details UI.

    • No: The landing page is the less details UI.

  4. Search for the profile option code MOT_DEFAULT_CLASSIC_INTERFACE. This profile option is also accessed through the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  5. Enter one of the following settings for this site-level profile option:

    • Y: The territories landing page is the More Details UI and users can't access the Less Details UI used to directly change active territories.

    • N: The territories landing page is the Less Details UI and users can make changes directly to active territories. Users can also navigate back and forth between the More Details and the Fewer Details UIs.