How do I delegate activities to another user?

You can enable the ability for all sales users in your implementation to delegate their activities, such as delegating calendar appointments or tasks, to another user. To enable delegation, you set separate profile options for appointments and tasks.

When users delegate an activity, they're simply changing the owner of the activity. After an activity is delegated, both the original owner and the user who now owns the activity can edit or update the activity.

To enable activity delegation:

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values
  2. Search for and set two profile options according to your business needs. This table lists the profile options:
    Profile Option Display Name Profile Option Code Description and Setting
    Appointment Delegation Enabled ZMM_ACTIVITY_APPT_DELEGATION Enables sales users to delegate appointments to other sales users. Set to Yes at site level to enable all users in the site to use the delegation feature.
    Task Delegation Enabled ZMM_ACTIVITY_TASK_DELEGATION Enables sales users to delegate tasks to other sales users. Set to Yes at site level to enable all users in the site to use the delegation feature.
  3. Save your changes.

Disable Delegation

Turn off delegation if you no longer want the second owner to co-own the activity.