Enable Competitors in Opportunities

Salespeople can manage competitors within opportunities after you expose some UI elements using Application Composer.

Here are the UI elements you can expose in opportunities to support managing competitors. Note that all of these UI elements are hidden by default.

  • Competitors subtab: Enable the Competitors subtab within the Edit Opportunity page.

  • Primary Competitor or Competitors field: Enable the Primary Competitor or Competitors fields in the Edit Opportunity page. Note you likely want to enable either the Competitors subtab or the Primary Competitor field, but not both at the same time.

  • Product-line-level Competitors field: Add the Competitors column to the Products table within the Edit Opportunity page.

For more information about how salespeople manage competitors, see the related topics.

Add the Competitors Subtab to the Edit Opportunity Page

Here's how to add the Competitors subtab to the Edit Opportunity page:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to Application Composer.

  3. Under Standard Objects, navigate to Opportunity > Pages.

  4. In the Opportunity: Pages page, ensure that the Application Pages tab is active.

  5. In the Details Page Layouts region, duplicate the standard layout by highlighting the standard layout and clicking the Duplicate icon.

  6. Type a new layout name and click Save and Edit. The Details Layout page appears.

  7. In the Subtabs Region, click the Hide, Show, or Reorder Subtabs icon. The Configure Subtabs dialog box appears.

  8. Move Competitors from the Available Subtabs to the Selected Subtabs window.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Back in the Details Layout page, click Done.

  11. Be sure that the layout status for your user-defined layout is Active.

  12. Validate the change by navigating to the edit opportunity page as a sales user, such as a salesperson, and ensure that you can see the Competitors subtab in the Edit Opportunity page.

  13. Publish the sandbox following your company's practices.

Add Competitor Fields to the Edit Opportunity Page

Here's how to add either the Competitors or Primary Competitor fields to the Edit Opportunity page:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to Application Composer.

  3. Under Standard Objects, navigate to Opportunity > Pages.

  4. In the Opportunity: Pages page, ensure that the Application Pages tab is active.

  5. In the Details Page Layouts region, select the Standard Layout in the table and then click the Duplicate icon. The Duplicate Layout dialog box appears.

    Note that you may be using a different layout than the default one. If this is the case, then select the appropriate layout.

  6. Enter a name for the new layout and click Save and Edit. The application returns you to the edit page for the new layout.

  7. In the Summary region, click the edit icon.

  8. In the Details Layout: <Layout>: Edit Summary page, find the Competitors field or the Primary Competitor field in the Configure Detail Form region. Move the field from the Available Fields window to the Selected Fields window.

    Tip: You may see duplicate fields in the list. Hover over them to see the hover text. For Primary Competitor, select the one whose hover text reads PrCmptPartyId. This way you ensure that the Primary Competitor field is editable and allows salespeople to select different competitors for different product lines. If you don't want users to be able to set different competitors on product lines, then enable the other Competitor field (with the hover text Party Name1).
  9. Click Save and Close.

  10. Validate the change by navigating to the edit opportunity page as a sales end user, such as a salesperson, and ensuring that you can see the applicable field in the edit page.

  11. Publish the sandbox following your company's practices.

Add the Competitor Column to the Products Table

Here's how to add the Competitor column to the opportunity Products table.

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to Application Composer.

  3. Under Standard Objects, navigate to Opportunity > Pages. The Opportunity: Pages page appears.

  4. In the Opportunity: Pages page, ensure that the Simplified Pages tab is active.

  5. In the Details Page Layouts region, select the Standard Layout in the table and then click the Duplicate icon. The Duplicate Layout dialog box appears.

    Note that you may be using a different layout than the default one. If this is the case, then select the appropriate layout.

  6. Enter a name for the new layout and click Save and Edit. The application returns you to the edit page for the new layout.

  7. In the Edit Revenue Table region, click the edit icon.

  8. In the Details Layout: <Layout>: Edit Revenue Table, find the Competitor field in the Configure Summary Table window. Move the field from the Available Fields window to the Selected Fields window.

    Tip: You may see duplicate fields in the list. Hover over them to see the hover text. For Primary Competitor, select the one whose hover text reads PrCmptPartyId. This way you ensure that the Primary Competitor field is editable and allows salespeople to select different competitors for different product lines. If you don't want users to be able to set different competitors on product lines, then enable the other Competitor field (with the hover text Party Name1).
  9. Click Save and Close.

  10. Validate the change by navigating to the edit opportunity page as a sales end user, such as a salesperson, and ensuring that you can see the Competitor field in the Products table.

  11. Publish the sandbox following your company's practices.