Enable Contact Phone for Leads Click-to-Dial Using Page Composer

Click-to-dial is a feature that supports outbound dialing directly from your sales application. Once enabled, salespeople can perform outbound dialing through the contact phone numbers from sales lead pages.

You can quickly and easily make an outbound call to a contact lead directly by clicking a phone icon enabled for click-to-dial from the Leads UI. You use Page Composer to enable the contact phone field on the Summary area of the Edit Leads page.

Here's how to add the click-to-dial icon for the Contact Phone field to the Edit Lead summary page using Page Composer:

  1. Sign in to the application as a user with the Sales Administrator job role. Or, sign in as a setup user.

  2. Create and enter a sandbox by selecting Application Composer and Page Composer.

  3. Activate a sandbox. The active sandbox name appears at the top of the page.

  4. Navigate to Application Composer > Objects > Standard Objects > Sales Lead > Pages.

  5. Under the Details Page Layouts section, highlight the Standard Layout record, then click Actions > Duplicate.

  6. In the Duplicate Layout dialog window, enter a new layout name and click Save and Close.

  7. Next, open Page Composer by selecting Page Composer from the Tools menu.

  8. Click your user image or name in the global header, and on the Settings and Actions menu, select Edit Pages.

  9. With Page Composer in Direct Selection mode, in the Summary tab of the edit lead page, hover over the Contact Country Code, Area Code, and Phone fields.

    A colored box appears around each field and its label.

  10. Click inside the box around the Contact Country Code, Area Code, and Phone fields.

  11. A dialog box opens with two options:

    • Edit Component

    • Edit Parent Component.

  12. Select the Edit Component option.

  13. In the Component Properties dialog box, click the Children tab.

  14. Select the check box next to the clickToDial item.

  15. Click Apply.

  16. Click OK and close Page Composer.

  17. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.

For more information about using Page Composer, see the Configuring and Extending Applications guide.