Enable Multiple Classification Types

You can enable multiple organization types and industries classification types for account assignment. While you can specify multiple industries for each account, the application only uses only the primary industry for assignment. Use this procedure to enable assignment on all of the industries.

For example, Oracle Corp. is primarily a software supplier, but also manufactures hardware. After you complete the setup, you can assign the account using both industry categories.

Assignments are run on an account based on classifications and includes these tasks.

  • Using multiple organization types for account assignment.

  • Using multiple industries classification for account assignment.

  • Running assignment manager on an account.

Note: Before you start these procedures, you must ensure that the Organization Types and Industries fields are shown on the Profile tab of the Accounts page.

Use Multiple Organization Types for Account Assignment

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Search for the Manage Customer Center Assignment task.

  3. Select the Account row.

  4. Select the Candidates tab of the Account: Details table and then the Account Territory row.

    This row contains mapping information about the account.
  5. Select the Account Territory: Mapping Sets tab.

    This tab shows the organization type and industries type.
  6. Select the row corresponding to Organization Type in the Work Object Attribute Low column and click Edit.

    The Edit Mapping Page opens where you can edit the organization mapping to update the work object.

    Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values.



    Work Object

    Account Organization Type

    Work Object Attribute: Low

    Code Assignment

  7. Ensure that the Inactive check box is clear, so that the mapping remains active.

  8. Click OK to save the changes.

  9. Verify that your updates are active by reviewing the Mapping Sets tables.

    The values of the specific dimension that you have enabled using the multiple values for assignment, instead of the primary value, should be Code Assignment.

  10. Click Save and Publish.

    Your changes are published and future territory assignment for accounts is performed using the mapping sets.

Use Multiple Industries Classification for Account Assignment

  1. Select the row corresponding to Industry in the Work Object Attribute Low column and click Edit.

    The Edit Mapping page opens where you can edit the industry mapping to update the work object.

    Use default values for fields unless the steps specify other values.



    Work Object

    Account Industry

    Work Object Attribute: Low

    Code Assignment

  2. Ensure that the Inactive check box is clear, so that the mapping remains active.

  3. Click OK to save the changes.

  4. Verify that your updates are active by reviewing the Mapping Sets tables.

    The values of the specific dimension that you have enabled using the multiple values for assignment, instead of the primary value, should be Code Assignment.

  5. Click Save and Publish.

    Your changes are published and future territory assignment for accounts is performed using the mapping sets.

Run Assignment Manager on an Account

  1. Go to the Accounts list page.

  2. Search for the Maple Networks account for which you want to run the assignments based on the mappings.

  3. Select the row corresponding to Maple Networks.

    You are in the Edit Accounts: Maple Networks page.
  4. Go to the Profile tab.

  5. Click Industries.

    You are in the Manage Industries page.
  6. Click Add.

  7. Enter Financial Services in the Name field and click Search.

  8. Select the row corresponding to the Financial Services industry.

  9. Click OK on the Select: Industry page, and then again on the Manage Industries page.

  10. Click Save on the Edit Account page.

    Saving your changes automatically triggers the assignment process and the account is assigned territories based on the mapping sets.