Example of Using Territory-Based Assignment with Rule-Based Filtering

This topic illustrates using territory-based assignment with rule-based filtering. In this example, you find one or more matching territories and use assignment rules to filter the list of territories assigned to sales leads.


Your company wants to assign new leads to the correct territory. If there is no sales channel identified on an incoming lead, then the application should determine if the lead should go to a partner or remain internal. If the deal is internal, then only the prime territories are assigned. If the deal is pushed to a partner, then a channel manager is also assigned to oversee the deal.

Transaction Details

Leads are the primary marketing business objects that the assignment engine processes. Territory assignment is the primary means of assigning the appropriate salespeople to the lead. Rule filtering may also be used to filter the territories, for example when the sales channel isn't identified. The rule filtering is performed when the Assignment Rule for Territory-Based Lead Assignment (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_RULE) profile option is set to use rule filtering.

In this scenario, the work object is Lead and the candidate object is Territory. The assignment is territory-based. The assignment processing finds one or more matching territories. Assignment processing then uses the rule category defined in the Assignment Rule for Territory-Based Lead Assignment profile option to determine the set of rules to use for the rule filtering.

After the territory-based assignment delivers a list of territories, the rules can fine-tune the assignment process:

  1. Rule for SALES CHANNEL Is not blank

    1. SalesLead.Sales Channel Is not blank

    2. Action: Return matching candidates

  2. Rule for SALES CHANNEL Is blank, Assign Channel Manager

    1. Sales Lead.Sales Channel Is blank

    2. Sales Deal.Deal Size Greater than 1,000,000

    3. Territory.Territory Type In Partner, Sales Channel Manager

    4. Action: Return matching candidates

  3. Rule for SALES CHANNEL Is blank, Assign Prime

    1. Sales Lead.Sales Channel Is blank

    2. Sales Deal.Deal Size Lesser than 1,000,000

    3. Territory.Territory Type Equals Prime

    4. Action: Return matching candidates

When the lead comes in, it must be assigned to a territory for follow-up. Based on the SALES CHANNEL rules, territory-based assignment can determine if the lead is a smaller deal that can be handled by your partners (and a Sales Channel Manager to oversee), or whether it's a larger deal that must be followed up by the internal sales force.

Assignment Results

The assignment process first identifies the list of territories for the lead. The rules then determine who gets the deal:

  1. This first rule determines if a Sales Channel value exists. If it does, then all territories identified (by way of territory-based assignment) are assigned.

  2. The second rule says if there is no sales channel assigned, and the deal is under one million dollars, assign the lead to a partner and a Sales Channel Manager.

  3. The final rule is used when there is no sales channel value, and the deal is greater than one million dollars, the lead is assigned to the prime (internal) territories.