Examples of Creating Assignment Mappings

For territory-based assignment, you must create work object to candidate object mappings while creating the assignment object. These mappings are used to make candidate assignments. The scenarios in this topic illustrate creating the different mapping types:

  • Attribute mapping

  • Dimension mapping

  • Literal mapping

Create an Attribute Mapping

You want to assign territories to an opportunity revenue line when the territory line of business is the same as the opportunity line of business. Here's how to create an attribute mapping:

  1. Create the following mapping:

    • Work object - Revenue

    • Candidate object - Territory

  2. Select the territory when the attribute territory line of business code is equal to the revenue line of business.

  3. Enter a value for the sequence which determines the order in which the mapping is used when matching territories.

    Note: Assign the lowest sequence number to the most selective mapping, and the next sequence number to the next most selective mapping.

Create a Dimension Mapping

You want to assign territories to opportunity revenue lines based on the product associated with the revenue line. Here's how to create a dimension mapping:

  1. Select the mapping type Dimension and enter a sequence value, which determines the order in which the mapping is used when matching territories. The most selective dimension mapping should be given the lowest sequence number.

  2. Enter the function getDimMemberSequence and the Service oracle.apps.sales.territoryMgmt.territories.publicModel.util.ConsumableComponentsUtil.

  3. Enter the value Prod for the function code.

  4. Select the candidate object Territory, the work object Revenue, and the alternate work object Revenue.

  5. Select the candidate object low and high attributes.

    The candidate object low and high attributes correspond to the names of the low sequence and high sequence attributes for product on the territory. For example, Dimension Sequence Low and Dimension Sequence High respectively.

  6. Select the work object low and high attributes.

    The work object low and high attributes correspond to the names of the attributes for product on the revenue line. For example, Inventory Item ID and Inventory Organization ID respectively.

    When assigning territories to opportunity revenue lines based on the product, a revenue line may be for a product group instead of a product. In this case, the work object alternate low and high attributes can be used. For example, alternate work object low attribute would be set to Product Group.

    If the revenue line doesn't contain either a product or product group, the low and high default values for the product dimension mapping can be used to match against the product dimension with the value Any. In this example, the default value low would be set to 1 and default value high to 999999999999999.

Create a Literal Mapping

Literal mappings are a way of filtering the matched territories based on specific values of a territory attribute. You want to find only territories that have an account-centric coverage model assigned to each revenue line. For example, territory coverage model equals SALES_ACCOUNT_CENTRIC.

Note: Literal mappings use the code value for lookup-based fields, and not the meaning value.

Here's how to create the literal mapping:

  1. Select the mapping type Literal and optionally enter a sequence value, which determines the order in which the mapping is used when matching territories.

  2. Select the candidate object Territory.

  3. Select the candidate object attribute that will be used for filtering. For example, Coverage Model.

  4. Select the operator value Equals.

  5. Select the literal value. In this example, only sales account-centric territories should be assigned to revenue lines, so the Literal Value entered corresponds to the code value for the coverage model. For example, SALES_ACCOUNT_CENTRIC.